

Lazy load the Facebook JS SDK.


Use this utility to setup an arbitrary element of the document to act as an anchor position that, when it's about to enter the window viewport, will fire the injection of the Facebook SDK script tag.



To get the lazy-load-fb-sdk utility working, include the dependencies in your project in the following order:

  1. npm
  2. Javascript
"design-system": "git+ssh://"
import lazyLoadFbSDK from 'design-system/src/js/00-utilities/lazy-load-fb-sdk';

Basic code

This function will search the document for elements which have a data-loadscript attribute set to 'fb-sdk'.

It will then check the data-scripturl (mandatory) and data-fbappid (optional) attributes, and use the value assigned to them to create a new script tag that will be injected into the DOM once the anchor element enters the viewport, hence deferring the loading of that script until that moment.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
  3. Javascript
<div data-loadscript="fb-sdk" data-scripturl="https://url/of/script.js" data-fbappid="your-fb-app-id-number-goes-here"></div>
div( data-loadscript='fb-sdk' data-scripturl='https://url/of/script.js' data-fbappid='your-fb-app-id-number-goes-here' )
lazyLoadFbSDK( 100 );

Function call

lazyLoadFbSDK( offset );
# Name Type Default Required Description
0 offset Number / Yes An offset in pixel units to add to the calculations that check if the anchor element is present in the viewport.

HTML attributes

Use the following data attributes to configure the script tag that will be injected.


Set this attribute value to 'fb-sdk' to mark the element to be processed by the script.

<div data-loadscript="fb-sdk" data-scripturl="https://url/of/script.js" data-fbappid="your-fb-app-id-number-goes-here"></div>


The URL of the SDK script you want to inject in the DOM.

<div data-loadscript="fb-sdk" data-scripturl="https://url/of/script.js" data-fbappid="your-fb-app-id-number-goes-here"></div>


A Facebook APP ID number.

<div data-loadscript="fb-sdk" data-scripturl="https://url/of/script.js" data-fbappid="your-fb-app-id-number-goes-here"></div>