

Delay element sources loading until they are about to enter the browser display area.


We say of a resource that is lazy loaded when its loading procedure is deferred until that resource is needed.

Deferring sources loading (for elements that are initially hidden or below the "fold") on a web document can substantially increase the loading time and perceived performance for visitors.

💡 You can use the web developer tools of your browser of choice (usually they have a "Network" tab) to check how the example images load when you scroll down.



To get the lazy-loading component working, include the dependencies in your project in the following order:

  1. npm
  2. Javascript
"design-system": "git+ssh://"
import lazyLoading from 'design-system/src/js/00-utilities/lazy-loading.js';

Basic code

When called, this function will check if there are image elements with a data-src attribute in the document. This attribute serves two purposes:

  1. It identifies the element as a lazy loading one.
  2. It's used to specify the path to the source.

Once the element is about to enter the browser display, its src attribute will be replaced and the loading procedure will begin.

📣 Setting a low quality image placeholder: Simple! Just use a standard src attribute pointing to a low quality/small version of the image. When the time comes, it will be replaced with the data-src value, and the new source will be loaded.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
  3. Javascript
<img src="/img/low-quality/placeholder.jpg" data-src="/img/lazy-loading/lazy-1.jpg"/>
img(src='/img/low-quality/placeholder.jpg' data-src='/img/lazy-loading/lazy-1.jpg')

In depth

Responsive images

Use the srcset and sizes attributes to set up lazy responsive images.

<img data-src="/img/lazy.jpg" data-srcset="/img/lazy_200.jpg 200w, /img/lazy_400.jpg 400w" data-sizes="100w"/>

Lazy picture

Lazy loading picture elements.

  <source media="(min-width: 1200px)" data-srcset="lazy1200.jpg 1x, lazy2400.jpg 2x">
  <source media="(min-width: 800px)" data-srcset="lazy800.jpg 1x, lazy1600.jpg 2x">
  <img data-src="lazy.jpg">

Lazy video

Lazy loading video elements.

<video controls width="580" data-src="lazy.mp4" poster="lazy.jpg">
  <source media="(min-width: 1200px)" data-srcset="lazy1200.jpg 1x, lazy2400.jpg 2x">
  <source media="(min-width: 800px)" data-srcset="lazy800.jpg 1x, lazy1600.jpg 2x">
  <img data-src="lazy.jpg">

Lazy iframe

Lazy loading iframe elements.

<iframe data-src="iframe.html" poster="lazy.jpg"><iframe>

HTML attributes


Use it to specify a replacement value for the src attribute of an img tag.

<img src="/img/low-quality/placeholder.jpg" data-src="/img/lazy-loading/lazy-1.jpg" />


Use it to specify a srcset attribute, either for a img or for a source tag.

<img data-srcset="/img/lazy-loading/lazy-400.jpg 400w, /img/lazy-loading/lazy-800.jpg 800w" data-sizes="100w" />


Use it to specify a sizes attribute, either for a img or for a source tag.

<img data-srcset="/img/lazy-loading/lazy-400.jpg 400w, /img/lazy-loading/lazy-800.jpg 800w" data-sizes="100w" />