Button help


Button help is a small interactive element allowing you to provide help or extra information to the user by showing a tooltip.


A typical use case: its combination with label in forms, giving help to the user about the question you're asking him.



To get the button help component working, include the dependencies in your project in the following order:

  1. npm
  2. Sass
  3. Pug
  4. JS
"design-system": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Selectra-Dev/design-system.git"
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/icon';
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/btn-help';
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/tooltip';
include /node_modules/design-system/src/pug/01-atoms/btn-help
import Tooltips from 'design-system/src/js/01-atoms/tooltip';

Basic code

A button help is composed by an a with an attribute title that serves as the text for the tooltip. Inside this link we found 2 icons used for a small animation.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
  3. JS
<a class="btn-help btn-help--md btn-help--secondary" title="Help text" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Help" data-toggle="tooltip">
  <svg class="icon btn-help__icon" aria-hidden="true">
    <use xlink:href="/img/sprite.svg#icon-circle-info-outlined" />
  <svg class="icon btn-help__icon" aria-hidden="true">
    <use xlink:href="/img/sprite.svg#icon-circle-info-filled" />
a(class='btn-help btn-help--md btn--help--secondary' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

Pug mixin

We created a pug mixin to implement the button help with ease, find the parameters below:

+btn-help(color, size, position, text, link, title, ariaLabel, svgUrl)
# Name Type Default Required Description
1 color String secondary No Set the color of the button help.
2 size String md No Choose between sm (16px), md (24px) and lg (32px) sizes.
3 position String / No Should be used when the button help is used inline, it adds margin on the left or the right based on the position. Choose between left or right.
4 text String / No When this parameter is filled, the button help will show the value as a text after the button help.
5 link String / No This parameter should be used with the text one, it'll add an href attribute to the button help.
6 title String Tooltip text Yes This value is used as the title attribute of the button help. It'll be used by the tooltip as content.
7 ariaLabel String Help Yes Set the label for screen readers
8 svgUrl String /img/sprite.svg No Specify a custom path for the SVG sprite.


Add the following modifier to change the appearance of a button help.

🤘 Tips: You can mix modifiers together to achieve the desired appearance.


Size modifier allows you to change the size of the button help.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
<!-- Small -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--sm" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Medium -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--md" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Large -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--lg" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">
//- Small
a(class='btn-help btn-help--sm' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Medium
a(class='btn-help btn-help--md' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Large
a(class='btn-help btn-help--lg' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')


7 colors are available based on the main colors of the theme used in your project.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
<!-- Primary -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--primary" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Secondary -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--secondary" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Success -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--success" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Warning -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--warning" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Danger -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--danger" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Grey -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--grey" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- White -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--white" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">
//- Primary
a(class='btn-help btn-help--primary' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Secondary
a(class='btn-help btn-help--secondary' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Success
a(class='btn-help btn-help--success' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Warning
a(class='btn-help btn-help--warning' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Danger
a(class='btn-help btn-help--danger' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Grey
a(class='btn-help btn-help--grey' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- White
a(class='btn-help btn-help--white' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')


Position modifier allows you to add left or right margin to the button help, it must be used when the button help is inlined.

On the left

On the right

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
<!-- Left -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--left" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">

<!-- Right -->
<a class="btn-help btn-help--right" data-toggle="tooltip" role="button" aria-label="Help" tabindex="0">
//- Left
a(class='btn-help btn-help--left' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')

//- Right
a(class='btn-help btn-help--right' title='Help text' tabindex='0' role='button' aria-label='help' data-toggle='tooltip')