Button group


A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.


When we need a series of button working together, we can group them to get a better UI.

We have two different versions, based on different elements: radio inputs and lists of anchors. Use them accordingly to your needs.

  • Beer
  • My mother told me it was beer
  • Should be beer
  • For god sake, beer!



To get the button group component working, include the dependencies in your project in the following order:

  1. npm
  2. Sass
  3. JS
"design-system": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Selectra-Dev/design-system.git"
@import 'design-system/src/scss/02-molecules/button-group';
import initButtonGroups from 'design-system/src/js/02-molecules/button-group/button-group';

Basic code

Radio based code

A radio based button group is composed by a div containing multiple label (at least 2) with the classes .btn-grp__item in which we find a radio input with the class .btn-grp__radio masked by CSS.

If we want to start with a preselected option, we give the .btn-grp__radio element a checked attribute. The JS will take care of the rest.

If we want to disable an option, we give the .btn-grp__radio element a disabled attribute. The JS will take care of the rest.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
  3. JS
<div class="btn-grp btn-grp--md">
  <label class="btn-grp__item">
    Label 1
    <input class="btn-grp__radio" type="radio" name="btn-group-1" value="value1" checked="checked" />
  <label class="btn-grp__item">
    Label 2
    <input class="btn-grp__radio" type="radio" name="btn-group-1" value="value2" />
    | Label 1
    input.btn-grp__radio(type='radio' name='btn-group-1' value='value1' checked)
    | Label 2
    input.btn-grp__radio(type='radio' name='btn-group-1' value='value2')
const btnmanager = initButtonGroups( '.btn-grp' );

List based code

A list based button group is composed by a ul containing multiple li (at least 2) with the classes .btn-grp__item in which we find a a tag with the class .btn-grp__link.

If we want to start with a preselected option, we give the .btn-grp__item element a .btn-grp__item--selected class.

If we want to disable an option, we give the .btn-grp__item element a .btn-grp__item--disabled class.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
  3. JS
<ul class="btn-grp btn-grp--md">
  <li class="btn-grp__item btn-grp__item--selected">
    <a class="btn-grp__link" href="#"> Label 1 <a>
  <li class="btn-grp__item">
    <a class="btn-grp__link" href="#"> Label 2 <a>
    | Label 1
    | Label 2
const btnmanager = initButtonGroups( '.btn-grp' );

🧐A11y wise: Ensure to use the correct role attribute and to provide a label . For button groups, this would be role="group", for toolbars it should be role="toolbar".

An explicit label should be given to groups or toolbars, if not possible you should use aria-label or aria-labelledby.


We access each button group methods through the btnmanager that we used to initialize the component. This manager holds reference to all initialized button groups in the page. We can console log the btnmanager variable in order to check its contents.

To make use of a method, we need to call the method from the button group reference we are going to work with. If we want to access the methods of the first button group, we would access it from: btnmanager.buttonGroups[ 0 ]


To enable a previously disabled option, we have the .enableItem( element ) method, to which we send the element to enable.


To disable an option, we have the .disableItem( element ) method, to which we send the element to disable.


Add the following modifier to change the appearance of a button group.


Size modifier comes in 3 variants and allows you to change the font size and the padding of the button group items making them smaller or bigger.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
<!-- Small -->
<div class="btn-grp btn-grp--sm">
  <!-- Rest of component -->

<!-- Medium -->
<div class="btn-grp btn-grp--md">
  <!-- Rest of component -->

<!-- Large -->
<div class="btn-grp btn-grp--lg">
  <!-- Rest of component -->
//- Small
  //- Rest of component

//- Medium
  //- Rest of component

//- Large
  //- Rest of component


Block modifier allows the button group to fit the whole width of his direct ancestor.Each button will have the same width, independently of its contents.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
<div class="btn-grp btn-grp--sm btn-grp--block">


Fit modifier allows the button group to fit the whole width of his direct ancestor.Each button will have a width assigned taking into account its contents.

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
<div class="btn-grp btn-grp--sm btn-grp--fit">