A specialized form-group that allows the addition of several values from a single input field.
This component is formed of a standard form-group with some of it's elements carriying additional ids/classes.
To get the tag-group component working, include the dependencies in your project in the following order:
"design-system": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Selectra-Dev/design-system.git"
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/icon';
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/form';
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/badge';
@import 'design-system/src/scss/01-atoms/autocomplete';
@import 'design-system/src/scss/02-molecules/tag-group';
import tagGroup from 'design-system/src/js/02-molecules/tag-group';
Basic code
The tag-group is composed of a form-group to wich we have to add some extra id and classes. It has to be initialized via Javascript.
The topmost
element which carries the
class, also needs to have the
class, and a unique
which contains the
and the
elements, has to have the class
The input element has to have the class
. And an unique
to the
we assigned previously to the topmost element.
The button element need to have the class
<div class="form-group tag-group" id="tagGroup1">
<label class="form-group__label" for="tagGroup1__input">Test this input:</label>
<div class="form-group__item-addon tag-group__input-group">
<input class="form-group__item tag-group__input" id="tagGroup1__input" type="text" placeholder="Test me!" />
<button class="btn btn--secondary form-group__addon-btn tag-group__btn" type="button">Add tag</button>
label.form-group__label(for='tagGroup1__input') Test this input:
input#tagGroup1__input.form-group__item.tag-group__input(type='text', placeholder='Test me!')
button.btn.btn--secondary.form-group__addon-btn.tag-group__btn(type='button', disabled='true') Add tag
new TagGroup({
baseId: 'tagGroup1',
inputTest: /\S/,
maxTags: 3,
autoConfig: {
selector: '#tagGroup1__input',
urlToFetch: 'https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/name/{param}?fields=name;',
Find the list of options available in the tag-group configuration object.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
baseId |
String | null |
Required | The ID attribute of the form-group. |
maxOptions |
Number | Infinity |
Optional | The max number of tags to generate. |
maxMsg |
String | 'Max options reached' |
Optional | The message showed when the number of options reaches
maxOptions .
btnLabel |
String | 'Remove this tag' |
Optional | The text for the tag's close button label. |
svgSpriteUrl |
String | '/img/sprite.svg' |
Optional | The path to the SVG sprite. |
inputTest |
Regex Expression | null |
Optional | If present, the text entered in the input field will need to match the expression, otherwise the input will not be possible to add as a new value. |
autoConfig |
Object | null |
Optional | A configuration object for the autocomplete component. If present the input field will be initialized with this feature. Check the object description in the autocomplete documentation. |