Display content on a modal dialog.


A modal is a window that is subordinated to the main application window. It's meant to interrupt the workflow on the main application until it's closed.



To get the modal component working, include the dependencies in your project in the following order:

  1. npm
  2. Sass
  3. JS
"design-system": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Selectra-Dev/design-system.git"
@import 'design-system/src/scss/03-organisms/modal';
import Modal from 'design-system/src/js/03-organisms/modal';

Basic code

The modal component is composed by two main elements, the trigger and the content holder.
We'll talk about the content holder first.

The content holder represents the dialog window, it will be displayed once the trigger is activated. It's formed by a div element with the class modal__holder. Inside it we have another div with the class modal__dialog. Nested inside, there's yet another div element, which should have the following attributes:

  • The class modal, and optionally, one of the size modifier classes.
  • An unique Id.
  • The role aria attribute set to dialog.
  • The aria-modal attribute, set to true.

Ok! We have finally set up our modal holder, so... what can we put inside of it?
Let me craft a list for you:

  • A cross icon inside a button element to close the modal. You can use our button component mixin to create this button, check the documentation for the btn-close variety. The data-dismiss attribute for this button must be set to modal.
  • A div, with the class modal__header. Here you can put a h1-h6 element, with the modal title.
  • A div, with the class modal__body, to fill it with the main content.
  • A div, with the class modal__footer , for contents related to resolving the modal (going back to the main aplication). Could be a close button, a CTA link...

Nice! Now that we have covered the dialog window, let's talk about the modal trigger.
The trigger is a standard button to which you have to set two data attributes:

  • A data-toggle attribute, set to modal.
  • A data-target attribute, its value must be set equal to the ID we used for the div with the class modal.

And that's it! Now all that's left is initializing the component using Javascript.
Instantiate the Modal class once, and you are good to go!

  1. HTML
  2. Pug
  3. JS
<button class="btn btn--md btn--secondary btn--block" data-toggle="modal" data-target="modal-unique-id">Modal trigger</button>
<div class="modal__holder">
  <div class="modal__dialog">
    <div class="modal modal--sm" id="modal-unique-id" role="dialog" aria-modal="true">
      <button class="btn-close btn-close--sm" type="button" aria-label="Close" data-dismiss="modal">
        <svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
          <use xlink:href="/img/sprite.svg#icon-cross"></use>
      <div class="modal__header">
        <h2 class="modal__title" id="idTitleSmall">Your modal title here.</h2>
      <div class="modal__body">
        <p>Your modal content here.</p>
      <div class="modal__footer">
        <button class="btn btn--md btn--danger" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Close me!</button>
button.btn.btn--md.btn--secondary.btn--block(data-toggle='modal' data-target='modal-unique-id') Modal trigger
    .modal.modal--sm#modal-unique-id(role='dialog' aria-modal='true')
      +btn-close('sm', 'Close', 'modal')
        h2.modal__title#idTitleSmall Your modal title here.
        p Your modal content here.
        button.btn.btn--md.btn--danger(type='button' data-dismiss='modal') Close me!

new Modal();


Add the following modifier to change the appearance of a modal.


A class modifier for the modal class.

We can use it to specify the maximum width of the modal dialog box. If no size modifier is used, the modal dialog will have the width of the document body.

Three sizes are defined:

Will apply a maximum width of 20rem.

Will apply a maximum width of 30rem.

Will apply a maximum width of 50 rem.