Hero--background ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
background ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image on hero's background.
 background.image_url String Yes 1 Content of the src attribute of hero's background image.
 background.image_alt String Yes 1 Content of the alt attribute of hero's background image.
logos ⤵ Object No 0 or 2 Config of each logo image. Expected to be an amount between 0 and 2.
 logos.image_url String Yes 1 Content of the src attribute of each logo displayed.
 logos.image_alt String Yes 1 Content of the alt attribute of each logo displayed.
logo_selectra ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of Selectra's logo image (will be a bit wider than the others).
 logo_selectra.image_url String No 0 or 1 Content of the src attribute of Selectra's logo.
 logo_selectra.image_alt String No 0 or 1 Content of the alt attribute of Selectra's logo.
title String Yes 1 Content of the hero's title, in a <h1> tag.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 Content of the hero's subtitle, in a <p> tag.
subheading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
Énergies Solidaires
Logo Ilek
Logo Ilek
Logo Selectra

Lorem ipsum dolor amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis turpis mauris, malesuada consectetur nibh tristique, luctus finibus enim. Suspendisse in tortor vitae enim lobortis dignissim sit amet sed ante

Hero-btn ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Default is h1.
header String No 0 or 1 The first line of text appearing in smaller and secondary color at the top. It's part of the heading.
light_version Boolean Yes 1 If you select true you will have a light version of hero-btn. By default is "false" (normal colors).
title_first String No 0 or 1 The first part of the title, not highlighted.
title_highlighted String No 0 or 1 The highlighted part of the title.
title_second String No 0 or 1 The last part of the title, after the highlighted text.
money String No 0 or 1 Choose between euro or yen, and the background img will change. By default is euro
delete_money_icon Boolean Yes 1 Change to true if you don't want the money icon to be displayed. By default is false
button_help ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional button-help at the end of the block's title.
 button_help.title String Yes 1 Text to be displayed on hover.
 button_help.text String No 0 or 1 The optional text to be displayed as button-help.
button ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional button at the bottom of the block.
 button.color String Yes 1 Choose the button color between primary, secondary, success, white, warning or danger.
 button.url String Yes 1 The content of the href attribute of the button.
 button.extra_attributes String No 0 or 1 Optional extra attributes you may need to apply to the button, like target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 button.icon_left String No 0 or 1 Optional id of the icon to be displayed at the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 button.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed in the button.
 button.icon_right String No 0 or 1 Optional id of the icon to be displayed at the right of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 button.big_text Boolean No 0 or 1 Optional. Put true if you want a bigger text in the button. If not, delete the variable or set it false
button2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional button2.
 button2.color String Yes 1 Choose the button color between primary, secondary, success, white, warning or danger.
 button2.url String Yes 1 The content of the href attribute of the button.
 button2.extra_attributes String No 0 or 1 Optional extra attributes you may need to apply to the button, like target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 button2.icon_left String No 0 or 1 Optional id of the icon to be displayed at the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 button2.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed in the button.
 button2.icon_right String No 0 or 1 Optional id of the icon to be displayed at the right of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 button2.big_text Boolean No 0 or 1 Optional. Put true if you want a bigger text in the button. If not, delete the variable or set it false

Electricité / GazEconomisez jusqu'à 400€ par an sur votre facture d'énergie

Electricité / GazEconomisez jusqu'à 400€ par an sur votre facture d'énergie

Hero--comparator ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
title String Yes 1 The title of your block.
heading_subtitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 The subtitle of your block.
buttons ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the buttons under subtitle. May contain between 1 and 3 buttons.
 buttons[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 buttons[i].title String Yes 1 The title of the button (small text on top).
 buttons[i].label String Yes 1 The label of the button (bigger text on the bottom).
 buttons[i].href String Yes 1 The content of the href attribute of the button itself.
 buttons[i].arrow Boolean No 0 or 1 Put false if you do not want to see the arrow in the button. By default is "true".
 buttons[i].extra_attributes String Yes 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
sub_text String Yes 1 Content of the text under the buttons. RawHTML allowed.
image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image at the right of the hero.
 image.url String Yes 1 The location of the image to be displayed. Preferably an svg file.
 image.alt String Yes 1 The alternative text of your image.
button_help ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the btn-help at the end of the sub_text.
 button_help.title String Yes 1 Text that will be displayed on hover. Raw HTML is allowed.
 button_help.title String Yes 1 Config of the btn-help at the end of the sub_text.
 button_help.typeText Boolean Yes 1 If true, the "info" icon will disappear in favor of the text you provide in the next variable text.
 button_help.text String Yes 1 Content of the hoverable text that can replace the "info" icon in button_help.
callcenter String No 0 or 1 If you want a different block for OPENED version and for CLOSED, fill this variable with the name of your data-callcenter. Then you have to add data for your CLOSED Block.
closed_block ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Data for your CLOSED Block.
 closed_block.heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
 closed_block.title String Yes 1 The title of your block.
 closed_block.heading_subtitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 closed_block.subtitle String No 0 or 1 The subtitle of your block.
 closed_block.buttons ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the buttons under subtitle. May contain between 1 and 3 buttons.
  closed_block.buttons[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  closed_block.buttons[i].title String Yes 1 The title of the button (small text on top).
  closed_block.buttons[i].label String Yes 1 The label of the button (bigger text on the bottom).
  closed_block.buttons[i].href String Yes 1 The content of the href attribute of the button itself.
  closed_block.buttons[i].arrow Boolean No 0 or 1 Put false if you do not want to see the arrow in the button. By default is "true".
  closed_block.buttons[i].extra_attributes String Yes 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 closed_block.sub_text String Yes 1 Content of the text under the buttons. RawHTML allowed.
 closed_block.image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image at the right of the hero.
  closed_block.image.url String Yes 1 The location of the image to be displayed. Preferably an svg file.
  closed_block.image.alt String Yes 1 The alternative text of your image.
 closed_block.button_help ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the btn-help at the end of the sub_text.
  closed_block.button_help.title String Yes 1 Text that will be displayed on hover. Raw HTML is allowed.
  closed_block.button_help.title String Yes 1 Config of the btn-help at the end of the sub_text.
  closed_block.button_help.typeText Boolean Yes 1 If true, the "info" icon will disappear in favor of the text you provide in the next variable text.
  closed_block.button_help.text String Yes 1 Content of the hoverable text that can replace the "info" icon in button_help.

Comparateur d’énergie

Comparez les fournisseurs et trouvez la meilleure offre d’énergie en 5 min !

Vous pouvez aussi nous appeler au 09 73 72 73 00 ou vous faire rappeler gratuitement

Hero--comparator-v2-img ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
heading_pretitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
pretitle String No 0 or 1 The pretitle of your block.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
title String No 0 or 1 The title of your block.
heading_subtitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 The subtitle of your block. You can add here HTML code.
cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the CTA button. If you do not fill the LINK, CTA button will not appear.
 cta.text String Yes 1 Text in the CTA Button
 cta.link String No 0 or 1 The link of the button (if you do not fill the LINK, CTA button will not appear).
 cta.extra_attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the cta, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 cta.color String No 0 or 1 You can choose the button color between primary, secondary, warning, danger, success and white.
 cta.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 cta.icon_position String No 0 or 1 You can choose between left or right.
star_rating ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the star_rating.
 star_rating.average Number Yes 1 Average of the score. For example: 4.5
 star_rating.num_reviews String Yes 1 Number of votes.
 star_rating.link_reviews String No 0 or 1 Optional link of reviews.
 star_rating.extra_attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the cta, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
img ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the images.
 img.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text for Img.
 img.type String No 0 or 1 You can choose betweenenergy (to use energy images), or insurance ( to use insurance images). but if you want to add your own custom images, delete this variable and add the source images in the next variables. PS. If you add "energy" or "insurance" type, you don't have to add source images.
 img.mobile ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for IMG Mobile size
  img.mobile.src String Yes 1 Source for Img in mobile.
 img.tablet ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for Img tablet size
  img.tablet.src String Yes 1 Source for Img in tablet.
 img.desktop ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for Img desktop size
  img.desktop.src String Yes 1 Source for Img in desktop.
reassurance ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the reassurance element.
 reassurance.text_1 String Yes 1 Text 1. Raw HTML is allowed.
 reassurance.text_2 String No 0 or 1 Text 2. Optional. Raw HTML is allowed.
 reassurance.text_3 String No 0 or 1 Text 3. Optional. Raw HTML is allowed.

Comparateur électricité / comparateur gaz

Augmentez votre pouvoir d'achat, agissez sur vos factures d’énergie

Les ménages français perdent en moyenne200€/an à rester chez le même fournisseur, ne faites pas comme eux.

Comparer en 5 min
4.8/51956 votes
alt text
Service100% gratuit
Toutes les offres du marché
Démarchesimple et sans tracas

Hero--comparator-v2-text ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
heading_pretitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
pretitle String No 0 or 1 The pretitle of your block.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
title String No 0 or 1 The title of your block.
heading_subtitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 The subtitle of your block. You can add here HTML code.
cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the CTA button. If you do not fill the LINK, CTA button will not appear.
 cta.text String Yes 1 Text in the CTA Button
 cta.link String No 0 or 1 The link of the button (if you do not fill the LINK, CTA button will not appear).
 cta.extra_attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the cta, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 cta.color String No 0 or 1 You can choose the button color between primary, secondary, warning, danger, success and white.
 cta.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 cta.icon_position String No 0 or 1 You can choose between left or right.
star_rating ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the star_rating.
 star_rating.average Number Yes 1 Average of the score. For example: 4.5
 star_rating.num_reviews String Yes 1 Number of votes.
 star_rating.link_reviews String No 0 or 1 Optional link of reviews.
 star_rating.extra_attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the cta, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
reassurance ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the reassurance element.
 reassurance.text_1 String Yes 1 Text 1. Raw HTML is allowed.
 reassurance.text_2 String No 0 or 1 Text 2. Optional. Raw HTML is allowed.
 reassurance.text_3 String No 0 or 1 Text 3. Optional. Raw HTML is allowed.

Comparateur électricité / comparateur gaz

Augmentez votre pouvoir d'achat, agissez sur vos factures d’énergie

Les ménages français perdent en moyenne200€/an à rester chez le même fournisseur, ne faites pas comme eux.

Comparer en 5 min
4.8/51956 votes
Service100% gratuit
Toutes les offres du marché
Démarchesimple et sans tracas

Hero--cta-3 ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
pretitle_tag String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
pretitle String No 0 or 1 Content of the pre heading. RawHTML allowed.
title_tag String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
title String Yes 1 Content of the bigger heading, which will be displayed in a p tag. Raw HTML allowed.
description String No 0 or 1 Content of the description. RawHTML allowed.
button_1 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the first button. It is optional.
 button_1.link String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of hero's CTA first button. If you don't fill it you won't see the CTA button.
 button_1.text String No 0 or 1 Text that will be displayed inside of the button_1.
 button_1.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button_1. You can choose between primary, secondary, warning, danger, neutral or success. By default is secondary
 button_1.outlined Boolean No 0 or 1 You can choose between true or false.
 button_1.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
button_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the first button. It is optional.
 button_2.link String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of hero's CTA second button. If you don't fill it you won't see the CTA button.
 button_2.text String No 0 or 1 Text that will be displayed inside of the button_2.
 button_2.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button_2. You can choose between primary, secondary, warning, danger, neutral or success. By default is secondary
 button_2.outlined Boolean No 0 or 1 You can choose between true or false.
 button_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
cards_numbered Boolean Yes 1 You can choose between true or false. If you choose TRUE, the cards are going to have a number (they are going to be ordered).
card1 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the first card.
 card1.logo_src String No 0 or 1 URL for the logo. It is optional.
 card1.logo_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text for the logo in case you have added it.
 card1.title String No 0 or 1 Card title. RawHTML allowed.
 card1.upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI you will see values from your provider and you do not have to add star_rating values mannually. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
 card1.star_rating ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Value for star_rating if you want. It is only available if you do not have added upi value. If you have added UPI value, you will see values from UPI provider.
  card1.star_rating.rating Number No 0 or 1 Number of rating. For example, 3.5 (from 5).
  card1.star_rating.votes Number No 0 or 1 Number of votes for your provider.
  card1.star_rating.votes_link String No 0 or 1 Link when you click on votes number. It is optional. You can delete this variable if you do not want a link.
 card1.label_price String No 0 or 1 At right of the card, you can add a small text above the price.
 card1.price String No 0 or 1 It is optional. For example: 1435€
 card1.price_value String No 0 or 1 It is optional. Value for the price, like \annual or \h
 card1.button_link String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add the link.
 card1.button_text String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add the text inside the button.
 card1.button_icon String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button and add an icon with it, you can add here theId of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 card1.button_custom_attr String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
card2 ⤵ Object Yes 2 Config for the second card.
 card2.logo_src String No 0 or 1 URL for the logo. It is optional.
 card2.logo_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text for the logo in case you have added it.
 card2.title String No 0 or 1 Card title. RawHTML allowed.
 card2.upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI you will see values from your provider and you do not have to add star_rating values mannually. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
 card2.star_rating ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Value for star_rating if you want. It is only available if you do not have added upi value. If you have added UPI value, you will see values from UPI provider.
  card2.star_rating.rating Number No 0 or 1 Number of rating. For example, 3.5 (from 5).
  card2.star_rating.votes Number No 0 or 1 Number of votes for your provider.
  card2.star_rating.votes_link String No 0 or 1 Link when you click on votes number. It is optional. You can delete this variable if you do not want a link.
 card2.label_price String No 0 or 1 At right of the card, you can add a small text above the price.
 card2.price String No 0 or 1 It is optional. For example: 2435€
 card2.price_value String No 0 or 1 It is optional. Value for the price, like \annual or \h
 card2.button_link String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add the link.
 card2.button_text String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add the text inside the button.
 card2.button_icon String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button and add an icon with it, you can add here theId of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 card2.button_custom_attr String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
card3 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the third card.
 card3.logo_src String No 0 or 1 URL for the logo. It is optional.
 card3.logo_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text for the logo in case you have added it.
 card3.title String No 0 or 1 Card title. RawHTML allowed.
 card3.upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI you will see values from your provider and you do not have to add star_rating values mannually. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
 card3.star_rating ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Value for star_rating if you want. It is only available if you do not have added upi value. If you have added UPI value, you will see values from UPI provider.
  card3.star_rating.rating Number No 0 or 1 Number of rating. For example, 3.5 (from 5).
  card3.star_rating.votes Number No 0 or 1 Number of votes for your provider.
  card3.star_rating.votes_link String No 0 or 1 Link when you click on votes number. It is optional. You can delete this variable if you do not want a link.
 card3.label_price String No 0 or 1 At right of the card, you can add a small text above the price.
 card3.price String No 0 or 1 It is optional. For example: 1435€
 card3.price_value String No 0 or 1 It is optional. Value for the price, like \annual or \h
 card3.button_link String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add the link.
 card3.button_text String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add the text inside the button.
 card3.button_icon String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button and add an icon with it, you can add here theId of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 card3.button_custom_attr String No 0 or 1 It is optional. If you want to add a button, here you have to add extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".

Comparateur électricité / comparateur gaz

Fournisseur d'Électricité le moins cher : TOP 3, Prix et Avis | juin 2023

Les prix indiqués concernent les grilles tarifaires standards, pour une puissance de compteur de 6 kVA et une consommation de 7700 kWh.

Offre verte électricité et gaz

Budget estimé

1234€ /an


Offre verte électricité et gaz

Budget estimé

4321€ /an


Offre verte électricité et gaz

Budget estimé

2659€ /an


Hero--cta-cards ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String Yes 1 Content of the bigger heading, which will be displayed in a p tag. Raw HTML allowed.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 Content of the subtitle, which will be displayed in a h1 tag for SEO purposes. Raw HTML allowed.
subheading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
without_image Boolean No 0 or 1 If you don't want to see the background image, put this variable true. By default is false.
cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the CTA button under subtitle.
 cta.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of hero's CTA. If you don't fill it you won't see the CTA button.
 cta.attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 cta.text String Yes 1 Text that will be displayed inside of the button.
 cta.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the cta button. You can choose between primary, secondary, ternary, warning, danger, neutral or success. By default is secondary
 cta.classes String Yes 1 Extra classes to be applied to the button, such as btn--big-text if the button contains a number, or btn--outline for example.
 cta.icon_left String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 cta.icon_right String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the right of the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
card_left ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the left card.
 card_left.title String Yes 1 Title of the left card. RawHTML allowed.
 card_left.paragraph String No 0 or 1 Description of the left card. RawHTML allowed.
 card_left.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the optional checklist under the card's description.
  card_left.list[i].url String No 0 or more Content of the href attribute of the link on item nºi of the list. If you don't fill it, you're going to have an span instead of an a
  card_left.list[i].title String No 0 or more Visible text of the item nºi of the list.
 card_left.marquee ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of card_left's marquee.
  card_left.marquee.title String No 0 or 1 Text displayed right before the marquee.
  card_left.marquee.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or more Config of the list of images displayed in the marquee.
   card_left.marquee.list[j].agrippa_image_id String No 0 or 1 Id of the image nº j to be used through agrippa_image(id, marquee) function.
   card_left.marquee.list[j].url String No 0 or 1 Url of the image nºj of the marquee.
   card_left.marquee.list[j].alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the image nºj of the marquee.
  card_left.marquee.more ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Configuration for the button showed on hover over the marquee, intended to show all the providers.
   card_left.marquee.more.text String No 0 or 1 Content of the button "show more".
   card_left.marquee.more.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the button "show more".
 card_left.cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the button at the bottom of the card.
  card_left.cta.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
  card_left.cta.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the button.
  card_left.cta.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
card_right ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the right card.
 card_right.title String Yes 1 Title of the right card. RawHTML allowed.
 card_right.paragraph String No 0 or 1 Description of the right card. RawHTML allowed.
 card_right.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the optional checklist under the card's description.
  card_right.list[k].url String No 0 or more Content of the href attribute of the link on item nºi of the list. If you don't fill it, you're going to have an span instead of an a
  card_right.list[k].title String No 0 or more Visible text of the item nºi of the list.
 card_right.marquee ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of card_right's marquee.
  card_right.marquee.title String No 0 or 1 Text displayed right before the marquee.
  card_right.marquee.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or more Config of the list of images displayed in the marquee.
   card_right.marquee.list[l].agrippa_image_id String No 0 or 1 Id of the image nº l to be used through agrippa_image(id, marquee) function.
   card_right.marquee.list[l].url String No 0 or 1 Url of the image nºl of the marquee.
   card_right.marquee.list[l].alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the image nºl of the marquee.
  card_right.marquee.more ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Configuration for the button showed on hover over the marquee, intended to show all the providers.
   card_right.marquee.more.text String No 0 or 1 Content of the button "show more".
   card_right.marquee.more.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the button "show more".
 card_right.cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the button at the bottom of the card.
  card_right.cta.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
  card_right.cta.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the button.
  card_right.cta.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
banner ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional banner under the two main cards. Note that on mobile, the banner is displayed before those two main cards.
 banner.title String No 0 or 1 Title of the banner's card. It will be visible only on mobile version. It will be visible only on mobile version. If you don't fill it nor description you will see in mobile the img.
 banner.description String No 0 or 1 Description of the banner's card. It will be visible only on mobile version. It will be visible only on mobile version. If you don't fill it nor title you will see in mobile the img.
 banner.link String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the card.
 banner.button_text String No 0 or 1 Text encouraging the user to click. On mobile, it will be displayed as a one-item list under the description. On desktop, it will be a button showed on hover over the banner.
 banner.image_url String No 0 or 1 Url of the image to be displayed on the desktop version of the banner. That image has to be designed specially for this purpose, preferably in svg format.
 banner.image_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the banner's image.
banner_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional banner under the two main cards and the first banner (it's an optional second banner). Note that on mobile, the banner is displayed before those two main cards and the other banner.
 banner_2.title String No 0 or 1 Title of the banner's card. It will be visible only on mobile version. It will be visible only on mobile version. If you don't fill it nor description you will see in mobile the img.
 banner_2.description String No 0 or 1 Description of the banner's card. It will be visible only on mobile version. It will be visible only on mobile version. If you don't fill it nor title you will see in mobile the img.
 banner_2.link String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the card.
 banner_2.button_text String No 0 or 1 Text encouraging the user to click. On mobile, it will be displayed as a one-item list under the description. On desktop, it will be a button showed on hover over the banner.
 banner_2.image_url String No 0 or 1 Url of the image to be displayed on the desktop version of the banner. That image has to be designed specially for this purpose, preferably in svg format.
 banner_2.image_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the banner's image.
cards ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or more, ideally 4 Config for the small cards (card--cta) at the end of the component.
 cards[m].title String No 0 or 1 Title of the card nºm.
 cards[m].paragraph String No 0 or 1 Description of the card nºm.
 cards[m].cta ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or more Config for the CTAs of the card. On mobile they are displayed as a list under the description, on desktop they are showed on hover.
  cards[m].cta[n].link String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the CTA nºn.
  cards[m].cta[n].text String No 0 or 1 Text of the CTA nºn.
  cards[m].cta[n].icon ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the icon inside CTA nºn.
   cards[m].cta[n].icon.position String No 0 or 1 Position of the icon, can be left or right.
   cards[m].cta[n].icon.name String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the right of the button's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
   cards[m].cta[n].icon.extra_class String No 0 or 1 Set an additional CSS class for the icon, for example 270 for it to be rotated 270º clockwise (useful for arrow icons).
 cards[m].footer ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image at the bottom of the card.
  cards[m].footer_image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed. Has to be designed for this very purpose, in svg format.
  cards[m].footer_image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the footer image.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor ?

Phasellus velit dolor eget quam quis sodales ultricies lacus. Duis turpis mauris, malesuada consectetur nibh tristique, luctus finibus enim.

Phasellus velit dolor

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium

Lorem IpsumLorem

Phasellus velit

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium


Hero--dropdown ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String Yes 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Default is h1.
img_bg String No 0 or 1 Background image. You can choose between "plants", "keys" or "documents". By defauly is "documents"
img_top_dropdown String No 0 or 1 Image source before dropdown. It is optional. You can delete the variable and you will not see any image.
img_top_dropdown_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text for the image before dropdown.
title_dropdown String Yes 1 Dropdown title. This title appears inside the card.
heading_title_dropdown String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Default is h3.
btn_dropdown String Yes 1 Text that you see in dropdown before open it.
title_blind_people String Yes 1 Title for blind people. Describe the action for the dropwdown. This is not visible.
list ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the options inside the dropdown.
 list[i].text String Yes 1 Text of the option number i
 list[i].link String Yes 1 Link of the option number i . You can add a pdf adding rout-to-pdf.pdf
 list[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the option nº i. It is optional, if you delete this variable, any icon is going to appear. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 list[i].icon_position String Yes 1 Position of the icon. You can choose between "left" and "right".
 list[i].custom_attr String No 1 Attributes by default are: target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" if you fill this variable you will replace these attributes by attributes you want. If not, you will see the default attr.

Title for hero dropdown

Title for for hero dropdown

dropdown before img alt

Title for dropdown element

Hero--gradient ⬇ (click to see options)

Note: The image and the gradient on the hero's background are not customizable for now.

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
card_1 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the left card.
 card_1.title String Yes 1 Title of the card, displayed in a <h2> tag.
card_1.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 card_1.button_text String Yes 1 Text displayed on the button.
 card_1.button_url String Yes 1 Content for the href attribute of the link.
 card_1.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
card_2 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the right card.
 card_2.title String Yes 1 Title of the card, displayed in a <h2> tag.
card_2_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 card_2.button_text String Yes 1 Text displayed on the button.
 card_2.button_url String Yes 1 Content for the href attribute of the link.
 card_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"


Phasellus velit dolor, vulputate eget quam


Hero--hn-cards ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
img_src String No 0 or 1 If you want to change the default background img, add here the path of your img. IMPORTANT!! The img size HAS to be 1440x480 px
img_alt String No 0 or 1 If you have added a custom background img, here you can add the alternative img.
h1 String No 0 or 1 Title of the hero, displayed in a <h1> tag by default. Raw HTML is allowed.
first_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the first title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if h1 is not empty. Default is h1.
h2 String No 0 or 1 Second title of the hero, displayed in a <h2> tag by default. Raw HTML is allowed.
second_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the second title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if h2 is not empty. Default is h2.
btn_help Boolean Yes 1 Specifies wether a hoverable "button help" is required or not.
tooltip_text String No 0 or 1 Required only if btn_help is true. Text to be displayed on the tooltip on "button help"'s hover.
card_1 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the first card.
 card_1.title String Yes 1 Title for the first card.
 card_1.title_tag String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the card 1 title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if h2 is not empty. Default is h2.
 card_1.button_url String Yes 1 URL for the button in first card.
 card_1.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 card_1.button_text String Yes 1 Text for the button in first card.
card_2 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the second card.
 card_2.title String Yes 1 Title for the second card.
 card_2.title_tag String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the card 2 title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if h2 is not empty. Default is h2.
 card_2.button_url String Yes 1 URL for the button in second card.
 card_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 card_2.button_text String Yes 1 Text for the button in second card.

Title Hero

Subtitle Hero

Hero--media ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
logos ⤵ Array of objects No 1 Config for the logos on top.
 logos.url String No 0 or more Source of the logo image.
 logos.alt String No 0 or more Alternative text for the logo image.
title String No 0 or 1 Title of the hero, displayed in a <h1> tag. Raw HTML is allowed.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 Subitle of the hero, displayed in a <p> tag by default. Raw HTML is allowed.
subheading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the subtitle (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if subtitle is not empty. Default is p.
center_text Boolean No 0 or 1 If you add false the title and subtitle will be centered in mobile and aligned to left in tablet and desktop. If you put true or delete the variable, the title and subtitle will be centered.
checklist ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the checklist.
 checklist.item_text String Yes 1 or more Text for the checklist item. Raw HTML is allowed.
video Boolean Yes 1 If true, displays the video player for specified video id.
video_id String No 1 Specifies the id of the video to be displayed. Required only if video is true.
video_img_src String No 1 Specifies the source of the image to be displayed if you don't want to use the default cover image. Required only if video is true.
image ⤵ Object No 1 Config for the image optionally displayed instead of the video. Required if video is false.
 image.url String No 1 Source of the image to be displayed.
 image.alt String No 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.
button_1 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the left button.
 button_1.url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button.
 button_1.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button. If you don't fill it, the button won't appear.
 button_1.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 button_1.icon ⤵ Object No 1 Config for the button's icon.
  button_1.icon.position String No 1 Set left or right position for the icon.
  button_1.icon.name String No 1 Set the id of the icon to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  button_1.icon.extra_class String No 0 or 1 Set an additional CSS class for the icon, for example 270 for it to be rotated 270º clockwise (useful for arrow icons).
button_2 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the left button.
 button_2.url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button.
 button_2.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button. If you don't fill it, the button won't appear.
 button_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 button_2.icon ⤵ Object No 1 Config for the button's icon.
  button_2.icon.position String No 1 Set left or right position for the icon.
  button_2.icon.name String No 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  button_2.icon.extra_class  String No 1 Set an additional CSS class for the icon, for example 270 for it to be rotated 270º clockwise (useful for arrow icons).
Logo Familles de France
Logo Kovers
Logo Selectra

Phasellus velit dolor eget quam quis
sodales ultricies lacus

This is a subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Luctus finibus enim. Suspendisse in tortor vitae enim lobortis

Sed vitae nunc elementum, porta leo vitae, dapibus orci. Cras vel gravida purus. Vivamus eu nunc vehicula, aliquam turpis et, tempus justo. Morbi quis enim odio.

Offre spéciale COP 23

Hero--mistletoe ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String Yes 1 Title of the hero, displayed in a <h1> tag. Raw HTML is allowed.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h2) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Default is h1.
subtitle String Yes 1 Subtitle, displayed in a <p> tag by default. Raw HTML is allowed.
heading_subtitle String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading subtitle (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Default is p.
btn_link String Yes 1 Link for the button.
custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
btn_text String Yes 1 Text for the button.
btn_color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.

Prix Selectra du meilleur fournisseur d'énergie

Tous les ans, Selectra récompense les meilleurs fournisseurs, à partir d'éléments objectifs. Le but ? Donner des repères supplémentaires aux consommateurs pour bien choisir !

Découvrir les lauréats 2021

Hero--product ⬇ (click to see options)

Note: The image of the hero's background is not customizable for now.

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
h1 String Yes 1 Content of title, displayed in a <h1> tag. Raw HTML is allowed.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if h1 is not empty. Default is h1.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 Content of subtitle. Raw HTML is allowed.
subheading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the subheading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if subtitle is not empty. Default is p.
satisfied_customers ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the "satisfied customers" block.
 satisfied_customers.title String No 0 or 1 Content of the text displayed right above the stars.
 satisfied_customers.rating String Yes 1 Average rating to be displayed. Has to be a floating point number or an integer.
 satisfied_customers.evaluations String No 0 or 1 Content of the text displayed right after the stars. Raw HTML is allowed.
old_price ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of the optional "old price" in card's header.
 old_price.text String Yes 1 Content of the text displayed right above the stricked number.
 old_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the striked text (old price). Should be a number.
 old_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the striked text (old price).
new_price ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the "new price" in card's header.
 new_price.text String No 0 or 1 Content of the optional text displayed right above the non-stricked number.
 new_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the non-striked text (new price). Should be a number.
 new_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the non-striked text (new price).
card_title String Yes 1 Title of the card
characteristics ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the card's checklist
 characteristics.name String Yes 1 or more Text displayed on checklist's item.
button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button at the bottom of the card.
 button.link String Yes 1 Content for the href attribute of the button's link.
 button.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 button.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
callcenter String No 0 or 1 If you want a different block for OPENED version and for CLOSED, fill this variable with the name of your data-callcenter. Then you have to add data for your CLOSED Block.
closed_block ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Data for your CLOSED Block.
 closed_block.h1 String Yes 1 Content of title, displayed in a <h1> tag. Raw HTML is allowed.
 closed_block.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if h1 is not empty. Default is h1.
 closed_block.subtitle String No 0 or 1 Content of subtitle. Raw HTML is allowed.
 closed_block.subheading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the subheading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if subtitle is not empty. Default is p.
 closed_block.satisfied_customers ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the "satisfied customers" block.
  closed_block.satisfied_customers.title String No 0 or 1 Content of the text displayed right above the stars.
  closed_block.satisfied_customers.rating String Yes 1 Average rating to be displayed. Has to be a floating point number or an integer.
  closed_block.satisfied_customers.evaluations String No 0 or 1 Content of the text displayed right after the stars. Raw HTML is allowed.
 closed_block.old_price ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of the optional "old price" in card's header.
  closed_block.old_price.text String Yes 1 Content of the text displayed right above the stricked number.
  closed_block.old_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the striked text (old price). Should be a number.
  closed_block.old_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the striked text (old price).
 closed_block.new_price ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the "new price" in card's header.
  closed_block.new_price.text String No 0 or 1 Content of the optional text displayed right above the non-stricked number.
  closed_block.new_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the non-striked text (new price). Should be a number.
  closed_block.new_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the non-striked text (new price).
 closed_block.card_title String Yes 1 Title of the card
 closed_block.characteristics ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the card's checklist
  closed_block.characteristics.name String Yes 1 or more Text displayed on checklist's item.
 closed_block.button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button at the bottom of the card.
  closed_block.button.link String Yes 1 Content for the href attribute of the button's link.
  closed_block.button.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  closed_block.button.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.

Duis turpis mauris, malesuada consectetur

Phasellus velit dolor eget quam quis sodales ultricies lacus

Enim lobortis dignissim sit amet sed ante


Phasellus velit dolor, vulputate eget quam

Da99,99euros / m
Pellentesque11,11euros / m

Quisque dapibus ante sed ligula sag

  • Donec a velit nec
  • Nullam fermentum
  • Cras vel gravida puru

Hero--providers-list ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String Yes 1 The title of your block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
intro ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the introduction text.
 intro.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed, can be as long as you need.
 intro.seeMore String Yes 1 Content of the "See more" clickable text.
 intro.seeLess String Yes 1 Content of the "See less" clickable text.
 intro.fullwidth Boolean Yes 1 Specify wether the intro text will be full-width or not. Normally, as it's a hero it should be true.
best_providers Object Yes 1 Config for the three "best providers" to be displayed. You can choose not to display it, specifying the next variable to false.
 best_providers.display Boolean Yes 1 Specify wether you want "best providers" to be displayed or not.
 best_providers.subtitle String No 0 or 1 Optional subtitle to be displayed above the "best providers" logos.
 best_providers.subheading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the subheading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if best_providers.subtitle is not empty. Default is p.
 best_providers.link ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Configuration for the link under "best providers" logos, required only if best_providers.display is true.
  best_providers.link.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed as a link under the "best providers" logos.
  best_providers.link.url String Yes 1 The content of the href attribute of the link.
 best_providers.providers ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Configuration for the "best providers" logos to be displayed.
  best_providers.providers.id Number Yes 3 The provider's id for which you want the logo + name to be displayed.

Liste des fournisseurs d’électricité et de gaz en France en 2020

En plus des fournisseurs historiques EDF et Engie, le marché de l'électricité et du gaz naturel compte aujourd'hui 40 fournisseurs alternatifs de plus petite taille. Chacun se dote d'atouts spécifiques pour conquérir les clients : offres duales, à prix fixe, énergie verte, 100%. En plus des fournisseurs historiques EDF et Engie, le marché de l'électricité et du gaz naturel compte aujourd'hui 40 fournisseurs alternatifs de plus petite taille. Chacun se dote d'atouts spécifiques pour conquérir les clients : offres duales, à prix fixe, énergie verte 100%.

Voir plusVoir moins

Voici les meilleurs fournisseurs 2020








Hero--video ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String Yes 1 Content of the title, displayed in a <h1> tag. Raw HTML is allowed.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h1.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 Content of the subtitle. Raw HTML is allowed.
subheading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
intro String No 0 or 1 Content of the intro. Raw HTML is allowed.
video_id String Yes 1 Id of the video to be displayed.

Nullam at volutpat tellus!

Phasellus velit dolor eget quam quis sodales ultricies lacus

Integer quis eleifend dolor. Sed vitae nunc elementum, porta leo vitae, dapibus orci.

Banner--optional-img With Img

Banner--optional-img Without Img

Article-list--home ⬇ (click to see options)

🔍 Note: This block displays articles dynamically using the agrippa_articles(type, amount) function, which returns a specified amount of articles based on the current url. Therefore, it will only work on homepages and first level urls.

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
sort_enable Boolean No 0 or 1 If true the block will allow sorting the articles, showing an inline menu (right under the title) displaying all the categories and linking to corresponding /category/news page.
articles_type String Yes 1 Must be one of news or guides. It will be passed as the first parameter to the agrippa_articles() function to return one or the other article type.
articles_amount Integer Yes 1 Sets the amount of articles to be returned by the agrippa_articles function. It corresponds to the second parameter to be passed to the function. We recommend using 6 for it to display correctly either with 2 or 3 columns (depending on the device).
more_button_enable Boolean No 0 or 1 If true the block will display a link at the bottom, intended to allow user to see "all articles".
more_button ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Only needed if more_button_enable is set to true.
 more_button.text String No 0 or 1 The text to be displayed as an anchor to show all articles.
 more_button.url String No 0 or 1 The content of the href attribute of the "Show all articles" button.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Article-list--press ⬇ (click to see options)

🔍 Note: This block displays articles dynamically using the agrippa_articles() function, which returns a specified amount of articles based on the current url. Therefore, it will only work on the very specific url that you set up as press page.

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
intro String No 0 or 1 The intro for the heading of this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
subheading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the subheadings (for example h4) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if releases_title and articles_title are not empty.
releases_title String No 0 or 1 The first subheading, naming the press releases part.
releases_amount Integer Yes 1 The amount of press releases to be displayed
articles_title String No 0 or 1 The second subheading, naming the press articles part.
articles_amount Integer Yes 1 The amount of press articles to be displayed.
press_releases_link_text String No 0 or 1 The text inside buttons links in press releases. If you don't add it, by default is "Go to article".
press_releases_pdf_text String No 0 or 1 The text inside buttons with pdf link in press releases. If you don't add it, by default is "Press release".
press_articles_link_text String No 0 or 1 The text inside buttons links in press articles. If you don't add it, by default is "Go to article".
press_articles_pdf_text String No 0 or 1 The text inside buttons with pdf link in press articles. If you don't add it, by default is "Press release".

Nos communiqués de presse

Selectra est une start-up née en 2007 sur les bancs de Sciences Po. Loin des projecteurs de la French Tech, l'entreprise est sans doute une des plus belles réussites françaises en termes de croissance sans levée de fonds. En janvier 2020, elle compte plus de 1000 salariés, réalise la moitié de ses 50 millions de chiffre d'affaire à l'étranger et appartient toujours à 100% à ses fondateurs.

Nos communiqués de presse

Selectra dans les médias

Benefits ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
plus Boolean Yes 1 If true, will display a icon-plus (from our sprite) between each benefit.
We strongly recommend not to use plus and slider at the same time, as each icon-plus will create one slide.
slider Boolean Yes 1 If true, will turn into a slider on small devices.
We strongly recommend not to use plus and slider at the same time, as each icon-plus will create one slide.
vertical Boolean Yes 1 If true, will display the benefits vertically (recommended when there are more than 3). Else they will be displayed horizontally.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
benefits ⤵ Array of objects Yes 2 or more Config for the benefits of this component.
 benefits[i].icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the benefit nºi. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 benefits[i].color String No 0 or 1 Color of the icon to be displayed on the benefit nºi. Can be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
 benefits[i].img_src String No 0 or 1 If you do not want an icon and you prefer an image, add the image'\s path. If you delete the variable img_src you will see the icon.
 benefits[i].img_alt String No 0 or 1 If you add a custom img, the alternative text of the img.
 benefits[i].name String No 0 or 1 Title (highlighted text) of the benefit nºi. Raw HTML is allowed.
 benefits[i].name_tag String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the name (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if name variable is not empty. Default is h4.
 benefits[i].name_color String No 0 or 1 Color for the title of the benefits nªi. You can choose between "primary", "secondary", "ternary" and "black". By default is "secondary".
 benefits[i].description String No 0 or 1 Description of the benefit nºi. Raw HTML is allowed.
 benefits[i].button ⤵ Object No 1 Config for the optional button at the bottom of the benefit.
  benefits[i].button.url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button.
  benefits[i].button.extra_attributes String No 1 Extra attributes for your link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
  benefits[i].button.text String Yes 1 Content of the button.
  benefits[i].button.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button.

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

  • Neque porro quisquam est

    Qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore.

  • Ut enim ad minima veniam

    Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Benefits--background ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
benefits ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the benefits of this component.
 benefits[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Configuration for the image to be displayed on the benefit nºi.
  benefits[i].image.url String Yes 1 Location of the image to be displayed on the benefit nº i. svg format is strongly recommended.
  benefits[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image.
 benefits[i].description String Yes 1 Description of the benefit nºi. Raw HTML is allowed.
background_image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the background image of this component.
 background_image.url String Yes 1 Location of the image to be displayed on the component's background. svg format is strongly recommended. The size of this img has to be 969x192px
 background_image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the background image.

Magni dolores eos qui ratione
voluptatem ea commodi consequatur
sequi 2 nesciunt.

  • GoodQui dolorem ipsum quia amet
    ea commodi consequatur
    consectetur, adipisci velit.
  • BetterInteger quis eleifend dolor
    ea commodi consequatur
    sed vitae nunc elementum
  • BestNisi ut aliquid ex aequo
    ea commodi consequatur
    vitae nunc elementum sed
Lorem ipsum

Benefits--list ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
withAside Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will add a class to style it with an aside block. Set it as true for all pages that contain an aside block.
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block. Raw HTML is allowed.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
list ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the list of this component.
 list[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the benefit number i. Raw HTML is allowed.
 list[i].title_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading for the benefit number i (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 list[i].icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the benefit nº i. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 list[i].img_src String No 0 or 1 If you do not want an icon and you prefer an image, add the image'\s path. If you delete the variable img_src you will see the icon.
 list[i].img_alt String No 0 or 1 If you add a custom img, the alternative text of the img.
 list[i].text String Yes 1 Text in benefit number i. Raw HTML is allowed.

Bénéficiez de 10% de remise par rapport aux tarifs réglementés de l'électricité HT ! Cela représente, pour un compteur en option tarifaire Base :

  • Aucun jour de pointe mobile

    les journées rouges en plein hiver, c'est fini ! Un prix du kWh unique pour un confort égal toute l'année.

  • Un prix du kWh H.T moins cher que le tarif EJP :

    • 2,2 % moins cher que le tarif EJP "jour normal"
    • 68% moins cher que le tarif EJP "jour de pointe mobile"
    • Un tarif d'abonnement presque identique au tarif EJP

  • Accompagnement EJP personnalisé

    Et en plus, Total Direct Energie vous rembourse les frais liés au changement de votre compteur E.J.P et vous accompagne avec des conseillers spécialement formés !

  • Souscription par téléphone

    Appelez le 09 87 98 64 98 pour plus de renseignements ou pour bénéficier de l'offre. Pour toutes questions, écrivez-nous à ejp@selectra.info.

Benefits--media ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
benefits ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the benefits of this component.
 benefits[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the benefit number i
 benefits[i].title_color String No 0 or 1 Color of the title of the benefit number i. You can choose between "primary", "secondary", "ternary" and "black". By default is "secondary"
 benefits[i].check_color String No 0 or 1 Color of the check of the benefit number i. You can choose between "primary", "secondary", "ternary" and "black". By default is "primary"
 benefits[i].description String Yes 1 Text of the benefit number i
video_id String No 0 or 1 Description of the benefit number id of the video you want to be displayed.
image ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional image to be displayed instead of the video. Required if video_id is empty.
 image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed.
 image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.

Magni dolores eos qui ratione
voluptatem ea commodi consequatur
sequi 2 nesciunt.

  • Magni dolores

    Qui dolorem ipsum quia amet ea commodi consequatur consectetur, adipisci velit. Consequatur consectetur, adipisci velit.

  • Eos qui ratione

    Integer quis eleifend dolor ea commodi consequatur sed vitae nunc elementum consequatur consectetur, adipisci.

  • Voluptatem ea comodi

    Nisi ut aliquid ex aequo ea commodi consequatur vitae nunc elementum sed consequatur consectetur velit.

Card--banner ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String Yes 1 Title of the banner's card. It will be visible only on mobile version. If you don't fill it nor description you will see in mobile the img.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
description String Yes 1 Description of the banner's card. It will be visible only on mobile version. It will be visible only on mobile version. If you don't fill it nor title you will see in mobile the img.
link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the card.
custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
button_text String Yes 1 Text encouraging the user to click. On mobile, it will be displayed as a one-item list under the description. On desktop, it will be a button showed on hover over the banner.
image_url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed on the desktop version of the banner. That image has to be designed specially for this purpose, preferably in svg format.
image_alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the banner's image.

Phasellus velit dolor

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium

Lorem IpsumLorem

Card--articles ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
articles ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the benefits of this component.
 articles[i].title String Yes 1 Content of the article's title, displayed right under the logo and linked to an url to be specified.
 articles[i].link String Yes 1 Content of the title's href attribute.
 articles[i].link_attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 articles[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the displayed image (should be a logo).
  articles[i].image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed.
  articles[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.

Cards--btn-grp ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
subtitle String No 0 or 1 Add a subtitle with a p tag if you want. Also, you can add HTML tags here.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards.
 cards[i].link_provider String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the image in the card. Usually, the link of the provider's page.
 cards[i].custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 cards[i].logo_src String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed on the desktop version of the banner. That image has to be designed specially for this purpose, preferably in svg format.
 cards[i].logo_alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the card's image. usually, the provider's name.
 cards[i].btn_grp_1 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the first button in the card.
  cards[i].btn_grp_1.icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cards[i].btn_grp_1.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the first button in the card.
  cards[i].btn_grp_1.custom_attr String Yes 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].btn_grp_1.text String Yes 1 Text inside the first button in the card.
 cards[i].btn_grp_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the second button in the card. It's optional.
  cards[i].btn_grp_2.icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cards[i].btn_grp_2.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the second button in the card.
  cards[i].btn_grp_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].btn_grp_2.text String Yes 1 Text inside the second button in the card.
 cards[i].btn_grp_3 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the third button in the card. It's optional.
  cards[i].btn_grp_3.icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cards[i].btn_grp_3.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the third button in the card.
  cards[i].btn_grp_3.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].btn_grp_3.text String Yes 1 Text inside the third button in the card.
 cards[i].button_footer ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the button in the footer of the card. It's optional.
  cards[i].button_footer.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the footer button in the card.
  cards[i].button_footer.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].button_footer.color String Yes 1 Color of the footer button in the card. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  cards[i].button_footer.text String Yes 1 Text inside the footer button in the card.

Phasellus velit dolor

Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

Card--comparative ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
advantages_title String Yes 1 Header of the advantages card.
advantages_title_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for each card title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h3.
list_check ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the list check card.
 list_check[i].text_list String Yes 1 or more Text displayed in the card. You can add the ones you want. Raw HTML is allowed.
inconvenients_title String Yes 1 Header of the inconvenients card.
inconvenients_title_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for each card title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h3.
list_cross ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the list cross card.
 list_cross[i].text_list String Yes 1 Text displayed in the card. You can add the ones you want. Raw HTML is allowed.
show_more_arrow ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the show_more_arrow to be displayed. It is optional.
 intro String Yes 1 Text you can see.
 openButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to open collapse.
 closeButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to close collapse
 collapseContent String Yes 1 Text inside collapse. Raw HTML is allowed.

Here is the code of the block in case you want to add it on a custom template or a custom block with "Twiggy" Editor:

  1. HTML
{{ attach_library('agrippa/cards--comparative') }}
<section class="cards--comparative new-mep container">
  <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-6">
          <div class="card">
              <div class="card-header card-header--arrow card-header--neutral">
                  <h3 class="card__title">
                      Villes les plus proches :
              <ul class="check-list">
                  <li class="check-list__item">
                      Sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi.
                  <li class="check-list__item">
                      Ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare.
                  <li class="check-list__item">
                      Ornare massa eget egestas.
                  <li class="check-list__item">
                      Vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit morbi.
      <div class="col-md-6">
          <div class="card">
              <div class="card-header card-header--arrow card-header--neutral">
                  <h3 class="card__title">
                      Nom et distance des agences les plus proches :
              <ul class="check-list">
                  <li class="check-list__item">
                      Boutique EDF Dijon. <em><span class="text--red">(Boutique fermée)</span></em>
                  <li class="check-list__item">
                      Boutique EDF Bourg en Bresse. <em><span class="text--red">(Boutique fermée)</span></em>

Les plus et les moins

Les avantages de l'offre Online

  • Sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi.
  • Ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare.
  • Ornare massa eget egestas.
  • Vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit morbi.

Les inconvénients de l'offre Online

  • Sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi.
  • Ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare.
  • Ornare massa eget egestas.
  • Vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit morbi.

Card--cta ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
intro String No 0 or 1 Optional introduction text (highlighted) for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
text String No 0 or 1 Optional text for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
cards3Fullwidth Boolean No 0 or 1 This variable is designed to when you have 3 cards and you want them to be full width. By default is false. If you have 3 cards only and you want them to be full width, put true
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards displayed on this component.
 cards[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the card.
 cards[i].heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for each card title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 cards[i].paragraph String No 0 or 1 Text of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cards[i].paragraph_center Boolean Yes 1 If you do not want to align your cards vertical centered, turn to false By default it is true
 cards[i].cta ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cta buttons displayed on the links list (mobile) or hover on the card (desktop). If you do not fill CTA variables, you will not seen buttons on hover.
  cards[i].cta[j].link String Yes 1 Content of the button's href attribute.
  cards[i].cta[j].custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].cta[j].text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
  cards[i].cta[j].icon ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Text displayed inside the button.
   cards[i].cta[j].icon.position String No 0 or 1 Position of the icon in the button. Can be left or right.
   cards[i].cta[j].icon.name String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
   cards[i].cta[j].icon.extra_class String No 0 or 1 Set an additional CSS class for the icon, for example 270 for it to be rotated 270º clockwise (useful for arrow icons).
  cards[i].cta[j].outline Boolean No 0 or 1 If true, the button will be outlined.
 cards[i].footer_image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image of card's footer.
 cards[i].footer_image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed. The imagehas to be created for this purpose in svg format.
 cards[i].footer_image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.

Duis mauris

Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Vestibulum ante

Sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.

Quasi architecto

Beatae vitae dicta

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

Quasi architecto

Anim id est laborum

Adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Quasi architecto

Vestibulum ante

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur

Quasi architecto

Cards--filter ⬇ (click to see options)

Note: You have to use a period(.) instead of a comma(,) for floating numbers. Note: You have to use a period(.) instead of a comma(,) for floating numbers.
Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
options ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the options filters. Add as many as you want.
 options[i].name String Yes 1 Name for the filter. If you put "all" all cards are going to be visible. You can not add spaces or accents or accents or ñ. Ex: energie-verte
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards. Add as many as you want.
 cards[i].card_section String Yes 1 value/s to filter your card in sort-buttons. You can add more than 1 value. You can not add spaces or accents or accents or ñ. Ex: energie-verte nos-suggestions
 cards[i].card_product_rounded ⤵ String Yes 1 Config for the card.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.card_color String Yes 1 Color of the card header. You can choose: primary, secondary, ternary, warning, danger, success and neutral.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.text_inline String No 0 or 1 Text in top of card.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_top String No 0 or 1 Text in top of header card.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_number Number No 0 or 1 A big number in header card.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_perTime String No 0 or 1 Text "per time". Ex: /h, /annual
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_bottom String No 0 or 1 Text in bottom of header card.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.provider_logo_source String No 0 or 1 Logo image source.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.provider_name String No 0 or 1 Name for the provider's logo.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about. Required only if you are not on a provider's page, or if you are but you want the reviews of a different provider to be displayed.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI and the star_rating value, you will see the UPI. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.star_rating ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the rating.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.star_rating.rating Number No 0 or 1 The number (integer or one-decimal) corresponding to the average rating to be displayed.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.card_title String Yes 1 Title for the card.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.characteristics ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the text inside cards. You can add as many you want.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.characteristics[j].text String Yes 1 Text inside the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.characteristics[j].trait_green Boolean No 0 or 1 Trait green can be true or false. If you put true your sentence will be green. By default is false
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.footer_text String No 0 or 1 Text in the card bottom. Small sentence with Selectra's logo.
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button in the card.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button in the card. If you delete this variable, this button won0t appear.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.link String No 0 or 1 Button link.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.title String Yes 1 Title for the button in the card.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the second button in the card.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button in the card. If you don't fill it you won't see the second button.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.link String No 0 or 1 Button link.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.title String No 0 or 1 Title for the button in the card.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.color String Yes 1 Color of the second button. You can choose between primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger, info.
   cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.outline Boolean No 0 or 1 Change to true if you want to put the button outlined.
other_content ⤵ Array of objects No 1 or more Config for the "other content". Here you can add HTML and it will be filtered like cards. Add as many as you want.
 other_content[i].section String Yes 1 value/s to filter your content in sort-buttons, like in cards. You can add more than 1 value. You can not add spaces or accents or accents or ñ. Ex: energie-verte nos-suggestions
 other_content[i].content String Yes 1 Content inside the filtered element. Raw HTML is allowed.
callcenter String No 0 or 1 If you want a different block for OPENED version and for CLOSED, fill this variable with the name of your data-callcenter. Then you have to add data for your CLOSED Block.
closed_block ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Data for your CLOSED Block.
 closed_block.container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
 closed_block.bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
 closed_block.withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
 closed_block.title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
 closed_block.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 closed_block.heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
 closed_block.options ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the options filters. Add as many as you want.
  closed_block.options[i].name String Yes 1 Name for the filter. If you put "all" all cards are going to be visible. You can not add spaces or accents or accents or ñ. Ex: energie-verte
 closed_block.cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards. Add as many as you want.
  closed_block.cards[i].card_section String Yes 1 value/s to filter your card in sort-buttons. You can add more than 1 value. You can not add spaces or accents or accents or ñ. Ex: energie-verte nos-suggestions
  closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded ⤵ String Yes 1 Config for the card.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.card_color String Yes 1 Color of the card header. You can choose: primary, secondary, ternary, warning, danger, success and neutral.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.text_inline String No 0 or 1 Text in top of card.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_top String No 0 or 1 Text in top of header card.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_number Number No 0 or 1 A big number in header card.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_perTime String No 0 or 1 Text "per time". Ex: /h, /annual
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.header_bottom String No 0 or 1 Text in bottom of header card.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.provider_logo_source String No 0 or 1 Logo image source.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.provider_name String No 0 or 1 Name for the provider's logo.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about. Required only if you are not on a provider's page, or if you are but you want the reviews of a different provider to be displayed.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI and the star_rating value, you will see the UPI. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.star_rating ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the rating.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.star_rating.rating Number No 0 or 1 The number (integer or one-decimal) corresponding to the average rating to be displayed.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.card_title String Yes 1 Title for the card.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.characteristics ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the text inside cards. You can add as many you want.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.characteristics[j].text String Yes 1 Text inside the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.characteristics[j].trait_green Boolean No 0 or 1 Trait green can be true or false. If you put true your sentence will be green. By default is false
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.footer_text String No 0 or 1 Text in the card bottom. Small sentence with Selectra's logo.
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button in the card.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button in the card. If you delete this variable, this button won0t appear.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.link String No 0 or 1 Button link.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.title String Yes 1 Title for the button in the card.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
   closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the second button in the card.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button in the card. If you don't fill it you won't see the second button.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.link String No 0 or 1 Button link.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.title String No 0 or 1 Title for the button in the card.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.color String Yes 1 Color of the second button. You can choose between primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger, info.
    closed_block.cards[i].card_product_rounded.button_2.outline Boolean No 0 or 1 Change to true if you want to put the button outlined.
 closed_block.other_content ⤵ Array of objects No 1 or more Config for the "other content". Here you can add HTML and it will be filtered like cards. Add as many as you want.
  closed_block.other_content[i].section String Yes 1 value/s to filter your content in sort-buttons, like in cards. You can add more than 1 value. You can not add spaces or accents or accents or ñ. Ex: energie-verte nos-suggestions
  closed_block.other_content[i].content String Yes 1 Content inside the filtered element. Raw HTML is allowed.

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Content in offres-vertes. Here you can add HTML
Content in nos-suggestions. Here you can add HTML
Content in moins-cheres. Here you can add HTML

Card--icon ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards displayed on this component.
 cards[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 cards[i].text String Yes 1 Text inside the card. Raw HTML is allowed.

Duis turpis mauris

Le client peut régler toutes ses démarches par téléphone ou en ligne.
Le client peut régler toutes ses démarches par téléphone ou en ligne.
Le client peut régler toutes ses démarches par téléphone ou en ligne.

Card--image ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
cards_heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the card's heading (for example p) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. By default is h4
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards displayed on this component.
 cards[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the card.
 cards[i].text String Yes 1 Text of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cards[i].cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the cta buttons displayed on the links list (mobile) or hover on the card (desktop).
  cards[i].cta.link String Yes 1 Content of the button's href attribute.
  cards[i].cta.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].cta.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  cards[i].cta.outline String No 0 or 1 Choose if you want an outlined button. by default is false
  cards[i].cta.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
 cards[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image of cardr.
 cards[i].image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed.
 cards[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.
 cards[i].image.position String Yes 1 Position of the image in the card. You can choose between left or right.

Pour consommer plus malin, consultez les guides pratiques

Alt img

Card Title

Identifier les sources principales de vos émissions permettra de fixer des objectifs de réduction stratégiques et significatifs, basés sur la science (SBT). La mise en place d’un plan d’actions est donc recommandée dans votre parcours bas carbone. Selectra Climate Consulting vous propose également de suivre votre évolution au cours des années grâce au reporting et à la comparaison de vos bilans.

Beatae vitae dicta

Card Title

Identifier les sources principales de vos émissions permettra de fixer des objectifs de réduction stratégiques et significatifs, basés sur la science (SBT). La mise en place d’un plan d’actions est donc recommandée dans votre parcours bas carbone. Selectra Climate Consulting vous propose également de suivre votre évolution au cours des années grâce au reporting et à la comparaison de vos bilans.

Beatae vitae dicta
Alt img
Alt img

Card Title

Identifier les sources principales de vos émissions permettra de fixer des objectifs de réduction stratégiques et significatifs, basés sur la science (SBT). La mise en place d’un plan d’actions est donc recommandée dans votre parcours bas carbone. Selectra Climate Consulting vous propose également de suivre votre évolution au cours des années grâce au reporting et à la comparaison de vos bilans.

Beatae vitae dicta

Card--image-cta ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
intro String No 0 or 1 Optional introduction text (highlighted) for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
cards_heading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the card's heading (for example h4) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards displayed on this component.
 cards[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image of cardr.
 cards[i].image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed.
 cards[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.
 cards[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the card.
 cards[i].paragraph String No 0 or 1 Text of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cards[i].cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the cta buttons displayed on the links list (mobile) or hover on the card (desktop).
  cards[i].cta.link String Yes 1 Content of the button's href attribute.
  cards[i].cta.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].cta.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  cards[i].cta.outline String No 0 or 1 Choose if you want an outlined button. by default is false
  cards[i].cta.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
callcenter String No 0 or 1 If you want a different block for OPENED version and for CLOSED, fill this variable with the name of your data-callcenter. Then you have to add data for your CLOSED Block.
closed_block ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Data for your CLOSED Block.
 closed_block.container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
 closed_block.background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
 closed_block.title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
 closed_block.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 closed_block.heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
 closed_block.intro String No 0 or 1 Optional introduction text (highlighted) for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
 closed_block.cards_heading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the card's heading (for example h4) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO.
 closed_block.cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards displayed on this component.
  closed_block.cards[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image of cardr.
  closed_block.cards[i].image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image to be displayed.
  closed_block.cards[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.
  closed_block.cards[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the card.
  closed_block.cards[i].paragraph String No 0 or 1 Text of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
  closed_block.cards[i].cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the cta buttons displayed on the links list (mobile) or hover on the card (desktop).
   closed_block.cards[i].cta.link String Yes 1 Content of the button's href attribute.
   closed_block.cards[i].cta.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
   closed_block.cards[i].cta.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
   closed_block.cards[i].cta.outline String No 0 or 1 Choose if you want an outlined button. by default is false
   closed_block.cards[i].cta.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.

Duis turpis mauris

Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Card--info-extended ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
text String No 0 or 1 Optional text for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards to be displayed.
 cards[i].header_image ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the card's optional header image.
  cards[i].header_image.url String Yes 1 Url of the image on card's header.
  cards[i].header_image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image on card's header.
 cards[i].header_logo ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for the logo right under the card's header.
  cards[i].header_logo.url String No 0 or 1 Url of the logo right under card's header. If you delete it, logo won't appear.
  cards[i].header_logo.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the logo right under card's header.
 cards[i].title ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for card's title.
  cards[i].title.icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed just before the title. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cards[i].title.text String Yes 1 The content for card's title.
 cards[i].description String Yes 1 The content for card's description, right under the title. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cards[i].list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the checklist under card's description.
  cards[i].list[j].text String No 0 or more Text for each item in checklist. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cards[i].collapse_title ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the checklist under card's description.
  cards[i].collapse_title.icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed just before the collapse's title. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cards[i].collapse_title.text String Yes 1 Text for the collapse's title.
 cards[i].collapse_description ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the checklist inside card's collapse.
  cards[i].collapse_description.paragraph_before String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the collapse, just before the checklist. Raw HTML is allowed.
  cards[i].collapse_description.checklist ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Text for the collapse's title.
   cards[i].collapse_description.checklist[k].text String Yes 1 or more Text for each item of the checklist inside the collapse. Raw HTML is allowed.
  cards[i].collapse_description.paragraph_after String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the collapse, just after the checklist. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cards[i].button_1 ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for card's first button.
  cards[i].button_1.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of first button.
  cards[i].button_1.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].button_1.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  cards[i].button_1.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside first button.
  cards[i].button_1.icon ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional icon inside first button.
   cards[i].button_1.icon.name String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed inside first button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
   cards[i].button_1.icon.position String No 0 or 1 Position of the icon. Can be left or right.
 cards[i].button_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for card's second button.
  cards[i].button_2.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of second button.
  cards[i].button_2.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  cards[i].button_2.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  cards[i].button_2.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside second button.
  cards[i].button_2.icon ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the optional icon inside second button.
   cards[i].button_2.icon.name String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed inside second button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
   cards[i].button_2.icon.position String No 0 or 1 Position of the icon. Can be left or right.
 cards[i].footer ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for card's footer.
  cards[i].footer.info String Yes 1 Text at the bottom of the card, right before the links. Raw HTML is allowed.
  cards[i].footer.links ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the links displayed at the bottom of the card.
   cards[i].footer.links[l].link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of each link.
   cards[i].footer.links[l].text String Yes 1 Text of each link.
   cards[i].footer.links[l].attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".

Turpis mauris

Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Img alt

Depuis 1982, Handicap International intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables.

  • Aide d’urgence, appareillage, rééducation, déminage, prévention.
  • Interventions dans près de 60 pays à travers le monde.
  • Plus de 2,5 millions de personnes aidées par Handicap International en 2019 !

Que finance ma facture ?

Les besoins financiers d’Handicap International sont nombreux et chaque euro compte. Très concrètement, avec ilek, votre facture d’énergie pourra contribuer à financer chaque année :

  • 50 € : une prothèse pour une personne handicapée ;
  • 100 € : la mise à disposition à une enfant d’un fauteuil roulant.

… sans que ça ne vous coûte un centime de plus qu’avec les fournisseurs historiques !

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HANDI’CHIENS éduque et remet gratuitement des chiens d’assistance à des personnes en situation de handicap. Objectifs : offrir plus d’autonomie, aider au quotidien, et au-delà, créer plus de lien social… Des vies transformées !

  • 150 chiens remis chaque année ;
  • 22 mois d’éducation nécessaires pour former un chien d’assistance ;
  • Plus de 2 400 bénéficiaires depuis 1989 !

Que finance ma facture ?

Éduquer et remettre un chien d’assistance coûte 15 000 € à l’association. Très concrètement, avec ilek, votre facture d’énergie pourra contribuer à financer :

  • L’achat d’un chiot, futur chien d’assistance ;
  • L’alimentation et le suivi vétérinaire d'un Handi’chiens
  • Les jeux nécessaires à son bien-être et son éducation
  • La remise du chien à son bénéficiaire ;

… sans que ça ne vous coûte un centime de plus qu’avec les fournisseurs historiques !

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Accélérer la transition agroécologique en faisant pousser des fermes respectueuses de la nature et des humains partout en France :

  • Production de nourriture saine et qualitative ;
  • Préservation du capital naturel planétaire ;
  • Activité viable, vivable et résiliente pour les agriculteurs.

Que finance ma facture ?

Fermes d’Avenir accompagne des porteurs de projets, des entreprises et des collectivités à lancer des projets agricoles vertueux. Très concrètement, avec ilek, votre facture d’énergie pourra contribuer à financer :

  • Des programmes d’accompagnement auprès d’agriculteurs en transition ;
  • Des formations à l’agroécologie ;
  • Des projets concrets et durables sur des fermes agroécologiques ;
  • Des actions de sensibilisation à l’agroécologie ;

… sans que ça ne vous coûte un centime de plus qu’avec les fournisseurs historiques !

Card--main ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
intro String No 0 or 1 Optional introduction text (highlighted) for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
text String No 0 or 1 Optional text for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
card_left ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for the left card.
 card_left.title String Yes 1 Title of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 card_left.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the card left title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 card_left.paragraph String Yes 1 Text of the card, under the title. Raw HTML is allowed.
 card_left.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the list under the description.
  card_left.list[i].url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the link.
  card_left.list[i].title String No 0 or 1 Text of each item of the list. Raw HTML is allowed.
  card_left.list[i].custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 card_left.marquee ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the list under the description.
  card_left.marquee.title String No 0 or 1 Text displayed right at the left of the marquee.
  card_left.marquee.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the logos in the marquee.
   card_left.marquee.list[j].agrippa_image_id String No 0 or 1 Id of the image nº j to be used through agrippa_image(id, marquee) function.
   card_left.marquee.list[j].url String No 0 or more Url for each image in the marquee (should be a logo).
   card_left.marquee.list[j].alt String No 0 or more Alternative text for each image in the marquee.
  card_left.marquee.more ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the button displayed on marquee hover.
   card_left.marquee.more.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button displayed on marquee hover.
   card_left.marquee.more.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the button displayed on marquee hover.
 card_left.cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button at the bottom of the card.
  card_left.cta.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed inside the button.
  card_left.cta.url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button at the bottom of the card.
  card_left.cta.button_color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  card_left.cta.button_outline Boolean No 0 or 1 Choose if you want an outlined button. by default is true
  card_left.cta.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
card_right ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for the right card.
 card_right.title String Yes 1 Title of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 card_right.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the card right title (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 card_right.paragraph String Yes 1 Text of the card, under the title. Raw HTML is allowed.
 card_right.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the list under the description.
  card_right.list[i].url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the link.
  card_right.list[i].title String No 0 or 1 Text of each item of the list. Raw HTML is allowed.
  card_right.list[i].custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 card_right.marquee ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the list under the description.
  card_right.marquee.title String No 0 or 1 Text displayed right at the left of the marquee.
  card_right.marquee.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the logos in the marquee.
   card_right.marquee.list[j].agrippa_image_id String No 0 or 1 Id of the image nº j to be used through agrippa_image(id, marquee) function.
   card_right.marquee.list[j].url String No 0 or more Url for each image in the marquee (should be a logo).
   card_right.marquee.list[j].alt String No 0 or more Alternative text for each image in the marquee.
  card_right.marquee.more ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the button displayed on marquee hover.
   card_right.marquee.more.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button displayed on marquee hover.
   card_right.marquee.more.url String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the button displayed on marquee hover.
 card_right.cta ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button at the bottom of the card.
  card_right.cta.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed inside the button.
  card_right.cta.url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button at the bottom of the card.
  card_right.cta.button_color String Yes 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
  card_right.cta.button_outline Boolean No 0 or 1 Choose if you want an outlined button. by default is true
  card_right.cta.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"

Duis turpis mauris

Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Cards--new-design ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The ID for the heading.
title String No 0 or 1 The title of your whole block.
view_more String No 0 or 1 If you add lists in your cards, you can add here the translation of "view more" in your language
view_less String No 0 or 1 If you add lists in your cards, you can add here the translation of "view less" in your language
garanties String No 0 or 1 If you add lists in your cards, you can add here the translation of "garanties" in your language
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards.
card.layout string Yes 1 Layout of card,horizontal or vertical.
 card[i].card_color String Yes 1 Color for header numbers text color and buttons color. You can choose between secondary, warning, danger, success and neutral. "secondary" is by default.
 card[i].card_header ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the card header.
  card[i].card_header.flag ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for Flag. Flag is optional
  card[i].card_header.flag.color String No 0 or 1 You can choose: secondary, warning, danger, success, gold, silver, bronze, neutral. By default is "secondary".
  card[i].card_header.flag.text String No 0 or 1 If you don't fill it, the flag is not going to appear.
  card[i].card_header.flag.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the flag's content. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  card[i].card_header.image ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for Image (logo).
   card[i].card_header.image.url String Yes 1 URL of your image.
   card[i].card_header.image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text for the image.
  card[i].card_header.title String No 0 or 1 Title of the card. It is optional.
  card[i].card_header.title_big Boolean No 0 or 1 Choose between true or false. Depending if you want the card title bigger than usual or not.
  card[i].card_header.data ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for data in header card. It is optional.
   card[i].card_header.data.price_top String No 0 or 1 Text on top in header card.
   card[i].card_header.data.price String No 0 or 1 Big number in header card.
   card[i].card_header.data.value_1 String No 0 or 1 Small number near big number.
   card[i].card_header.data.value_2 String No 0 or 1 Small number near big number and under value_1.
   card[i].card_header.data.price_bottom String No 0 or 1 Text on bottom in header card.
  card[i].card_header.rating String No 0 or 1 If you do not want the rating element, delete rating variable. You can choose rating Textual or Visual
  card[i].card_header.rating_upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about. Required only if you are not on a provider's page, or if you are but you want the reviews of a different provider to be displayed.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI and the star_rating value, you will see the UPI. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
  card[i].card_header.rating_value String No 0 or 1 Score of the rating. If you do not want to add upi and add your own data, delete upi variable.
  card[i].card_header.rating_votes String No 0 or 1 Total of votes. If you do not want to add upi and add your own data, delete upi variable.
  card[i].card_header.rating_link String No 0 or 1 Score rating Link. If you do not want to add upi and add your own data, delete upi variable.
 card[i].card_body ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the card body.
  card[i].card_body.text String No 0 or 1 Text optional above badges and footer. Raw HTML is allowed.
  card[i].card_body.image_feat ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for image_feat optional element.
   card[i].card_body.image_feat.variant Object No 0 or 1 You can choose between framed or unframed. By default is unframed
   card[i].card_body.image_feat.image_direction Object No 0 or 1 You can choose between left or right. By default image position is left
   card[i].card_body.image_feat.image ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config Img inside image_feat element.
    card[i].card_body.image_feat.image.url String No 0 or 1 URL of the img inside image_feat element.
    card[i].card_body.image_feat.image.alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the img inside image_feat element.
   card[i].card_body.image_feat.title String No 0 or 1 Title in image_feat
  card[i].card_body.badge ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for badge optional element.
  card[i].card_body.badge.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the badge. If you do not fill text, the badge is not going to appear.
  card[i].card_body.badge.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the badge . You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  card[i].card_body.badge.variant String No 0 or 1 Color of the badge. You can choose between primary, secondary, success, warning, danger, neutral and selectra. By default it is neutral. And Selecra variant has a different style.
  card[i].card_body.badge_2 ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for badge 2 optional element.
  card[i].card_body.badge_2.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside the badge 2. If you do not fill text, the badge 2 is not going to appear.
  card[i].card_body.badge_2.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the badge . You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  card[i].card_body.badge_2.variant String No 0 or 1 Color of the badge 2. You can choose between primary, secondary, success, warning, danger, neutral and selectra. By default it is neutral. And Selecra variant has a different style.
  card[i].card_body.list ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for list optional element.
  card[i].card_body.list[i].title String No 0 or 1 Title for the list[i]. it is optional.
  card[i].card_body.list[i].variant String No 0 or 1 You can choose between unordered, ordered, checked, crossed, numbered, custom. In case of custom you can select the icon also. By default is "unordered"
  card[i].card_body.list[i].data ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of data inside lists. if you have selected "custom" list, you can select the icon also. If "custom" list is not selected, you can't add your custom icon.
   card[i].card_body.list[i].data.text Object No 0 or 1 Text inside LI of [i] list. Raw HTML is allowed.
   card[i].card_body.list[i].data.icon Object No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the li nº i. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  card[i].card_body.body_value ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for body_value optional element.
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].variant String No 0 or 1 Color of the body_value. You can choose between secondary, success, warning, danger, neutral or selectra. By default is neutral
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].title String No 0 or 1 Title
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].icon_1 String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed.
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].unit_1 String No 0 or 1 Value of the unit 1.
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].unit_1_value String No 0 or 1 Value of the unit 1 value (for example /$).
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].icon_2 String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed.
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].unit_2 String No 0 or 1 Value of the unit 2.
   card[i].card_body.body_value[i].unit_2_value String No 0 or 1 Value of the unit 2 value (for example /€).
 card[i].card_footer ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the card footer. Card footer is composed of 2 buttons (first outlined and second filled).
  card[i].card_footer.outline ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config first and optional outlined button.
  card[i].card_footer.outline.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside first and outlined button. If you do not fill the text, the button will not appear.
  card[i].card_footer.outline.link String No 0 or 1 Link for first and outlined button.
  card[i].card_footer.outline.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  card[i].card_footer.outline.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the outlined button . It is optional.
  card[i].card_footer.outline.icon_direction String No 0 or 1 You can choose between left or right.
  card[i].card_footer.text String No 0 or 1 Text inside second and filled button. If you do not fill the text, the filled button will not appear.
  card[i].card_footer.link String No 0 or 1 Link for second and filled button.
  card[i].card_footer.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the filled button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  card[i].card_footer.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the filled button . It is optional.
  card[i].card_footer.icon_direction String No 0 or 1 You can choose between left or right. For the filled button.

Cards New Design

Flag Text
Pendant 12 mois
puis 71,99€/mois

Card Title

4.2sur 5 624 avis


  • Prix de l’abonnement et du kWh gaz indexés sur le tarif réglementé de vente
  • Un service de suivi de consommation afin de réaliser des économies d’énergie


  • Le tarif n’est pas bloqué en cas de hausse du prix du gaz ou de l’électricité
Budget estimé
Vous économisez
Flag Text
  • Assistance premium
  • Assistance juridique premium
  • Responsabilité civile
  • Défense pénal
  • Incendie
  • text for custom icon 2
  • text for custom icon
  • text for custom icon 2
  • text for custom icon 2

Card Title

Logo Vattenfall
Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  1. text for ordered list
  2. text for ordered list
  3. text for ordered list
  4. text for ordered list
  5. text for ordered list
  6. text for ordered list
  7. text for ordered list
  8. text for ordered list
  9. text for ordered list
  • text for checked check list
  • text for corssed check list
  • text for numbered list
  • text for custom icon
  • text for custom icon 2
paragraph body
Badge Text

Card Title

Logo Vattenfall
Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  1. text for ordered list
  2. text for ordered list
  3. text for ordered list
  4. text for ordered list
  5. text for ordered list
  6. text for ordered list
  7. text for ordered list
  8. text for ordered list
  9. text for ordered list
  • text for checked check list
  • text for corssed check list
  • text for numbered list
  • text for custom icon
  • text for custom icon 2
paragraph body
Badge Text

Card--position ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
intro String No 0 or 1 Optional introduction text (highlighted) for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
text String No 0 or 1 Optional text for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
cards_heading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the card's heading (for example h4) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO.
cards ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for the cards.tr
 card.image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the card's image. It should be a portrait.
  card.image.url String Yes 1 Location of the image to be displayed.
  card.image.visible_on_mobile Boolean No 0 or 1 By default the img doesn't appear in mobile. If you change this variable to true you will see the image in mobile also.
  card.image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image.
 card.position String Yes 1 The position of the person described. Raw HTML is allowed, you can use a
tag to separate it in two lines.
 card.title String Yes 1 Title of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 card.paragraph String Yes 1 Text of the card, it should be the resume of the person on the card. Raw HTML is allowed.

Duis turpis mauris

Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Portrait de Leo Paul


Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat

Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros. Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

Portrait de Thomas


Duis finibus urna elit

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros. Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

Card--product ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
text String No 0 or 1 Optional text for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
 cards[i].color String Yes 1 Color of the card's header. Can be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
 cards[i].old_price ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of the optional "old price" in card's header.
  cards[i].old_price.text String Yes 1 Content of the text displayed right above the stricked number.
  cards[i].old_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the striked text (old price). Should be a number.
  cards[i].old_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the striked text (old price).
 cards[i].new_price ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the "new price" in card's header.
  cards[i].new_price.text String No 0 or 1 Content of the optional text displayed right above the non-stricked number.
  cards[i].new_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the non-striked text (new price). Should be a number.
  cards[i].new_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the non-striked text (new price).
 cards[i].logo ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the logo displayed at the top of the card.
  cards[i].logo.url String Yes 1 Url for the location of the image. Should be a logo.
  cards[i].logo.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text for the image.
 cards[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the card
 cards[i].characteristics ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the card's checklist
  cards[i].characteristics.name String Yes 1 or more Text displayed on checklist's item.
 cards[i].button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button at the bottom of the card.
  cards[i].button.link String No 0 or 1 Content for the href attribute of the button's link.
  cards[i].button.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
  cards[i].button.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
  cards[i].button.attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
callcenter String No 0 or 1 If you want a different block for OPENED version and for CLOSED, fill this variable with the name of your data-callcenter. Then you have to add data for your CLOSED Block.
closed_block ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Data for your CLOSED Block.
 closed_block.container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
 closed_block.background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
 closed_block.withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
 closed_block.title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
 closed_block.heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
 closed_block.heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
 closed_block.text String No 0 or 1 Optional text for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
 closed_block.cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
  closed_block.cards[i].color String Yes 1 Color of the card's header. Can be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
  closed_block.cards[i].old_price ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of the optional "old price" in card's header.
   closed_block.cards[i].old_price.text String Yes 1 Content of the text displayed right above the stricked number.
   closed_block.cards[i].old_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the striked text (old price). Should be a number.
   closed_block.cards[i].old_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the striked text (old price).
  closed_block.cards[i].new_price ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of the "new price" in card's header.
   closed_block.cards[i].new_price.text String No 0 or 1 Content of the optional text displayed right above the non-stricked number.
   closed_block.cards[i].new_price.number String Yes 1 Content of the non-striked text (new price). Should be a number.
   closed_block.cards[i].new_price.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the non-striked text (new price).
  closed_block.cards[i].logo ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the logo displayed at the top of the card.
   closed_block.cards[i].logo.url String Yes 1 Url for the location of the image. Should be a logo.
   closed_block.cards[i].logo.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text for the image.
  closed_block.cards[i].title String Yes 1 Title of the card
  closed_block.cards[i].characteristics ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the card's checklist
   closed_block.cards[i].characteristics.name String Yes 1 or more Text displayed on checklist's item.
  closed_block.cards[i].button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button at the bottom of the card.
   closed_block.cards[i].button.link String No 0 or 1 Content for the href attribute of the button's link.
   closed_block.cards[i].button.modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
   closed_block.cards[i].button.text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
   closed_block.cards[i].button.attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".

Duis turpis mauris

Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Da34,95euros / m
Promozione25,95euros / m

Fastweb casa

  • Internet ilimitado
  • Chiamate illimitate
  • Nessun vincolo
  • Attivazione gratuita
Da32,95euros / m
Promozione27,90euros / m

Internet unlimited

  • Internet ilimitado
  • Chiamate illimitate
  • Nessun vincolo
  • Attivazione gratuita
Da34,95euros / m
Promozione25,95euros / m

Fastweb casa

  • Internet ilimitado
  • Chiamate illimitate
  • Nessun vincolo
  • Attivazione gratuita
Da38,90euros / m
Promozione27,90euros / m

Internet unlimited

  • Internet ilimitado
  • Chiamate illimitate
  • Nessun vincolo
  • Attivazione gratuita

Card--slider ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
cards_heading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the cards' headings (for example h3 ) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO.
medias ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cards of the slider.
 medias[i].name String No 0 or 1 Title displayed on top of the card.
 medias[i].link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the card's link.
 medias[i].custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 medias[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image of the card.
  medias[i].image.url String Yes 1 Source of the image to be displayed. Should be a logo.
  medias[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.

Phasellus velit dolor

Card--steps ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
card_text_1 String No 0 or 1 The text for the first card. Raw HTML is allowed.
card_text_2 String No 0 or 1 The text for the second card. Raw HTML is allowed.
img_1 String No 0 or 1 The source for the img for the first card.
img_2 String No 0 or 1 The source for the img for the second card.
btn_link_1 String Yes 1 The link for the button.
btn_icon_1 String No 0 or 1 The icon for the button.
btn_text_1 String Yes 1 The text for the button.
show_more_arrow ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the show_more_arrow to be displayed. It is optional.
 intro String Yes 1 Text you can see.
 openButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to open collapse.
 closeButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to close collapse
 collapseContent String Yes 1 Text inside collapse. Raw HTML is allowed.

Section title


This was the first step.


This is the second step.


This will be the third step.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident...

, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

Voir plusVoir moins

Comparator-cta ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
withAside Boolean No 0 or 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
title String Yes 1 The title of your block. Raw HTML allowed.
title__alignment String Yes 1 Alignment for the title. You can choose between center or left
center_buttons Boolean No 0 or 1 Put true if you want to center the buttons. By default is false. You can choose between true or false
buttons ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the buttons under subtitle. May contain between 1 and 3 buttons.
 buttons[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 buttons[i].title String Yes 1 The title of the button (small text on top).
 buttons[i].label String Yes 1 The label of the button (bigger text on the bottom).
 buttons[i].href String Yes 1 The content of the href attribute of the button itself.
 buttons[i].extra_attributes String Yes 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 buttons[i].modal String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.

Comparez les fournisseurs et trouvez la meilleure offre d'énergie en 5 min !

Contact ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image displayed on top of the component.
 image.url String Yes 1 Url for the location of the image. Should be a logo.
 image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image.
info ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the lines of information displayed under the image.
 info.line String Yes 1 or more Content for each line of information displayed under the image.
links ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the links displayed at the bottom.
 links.link String Yes 1 or more Content of the href attribute of each link.
 links.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 links.text String Yes 1 or more Text displayed for each link.


66 rue Sébastien Mercier
75015 Paris

contact@selectra.info00 00 00 00 00

Contact--cta ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
contact ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the contact info. A name + e-mail + phone number is expected.
 contact.name Object Yes 1 Name of the contact. Displayed right under the heading.
 contact.phone_number String No 0 or 1 Phone number in E.164 format, with a structure like +33000000000 (including the country code, without spaces or extra zeros at the beginning, etc...). This number will be used in the href attribute of the link.
 contact.phone_number_displayed String No 0 or 1 Phone number displayed in the link. Use this variable to format the number as you want, with spaces and the structure you want.
 contact.email String No 0 or 1 Email that will be used both in the href attribute and displayed to the user.
buttons ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the buttons. Add as many buttons as you want.
 buttons[i].link String Yes 1 Content for the href attribute of the button's link.
 buttons[i].attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 buttons[i].text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the button.
 buttons[i].classes String No 0 or 1 Button classes to customize your button, such as btn--primary btn--outline btn--pill. If empty, the button will be btn--secondary by default.
 buttons[i].icon ⤵ String No 0 or 1 Config for the icons inside the button.
  buttons[i].icon.position String No 0 or 1 Set left or right position for the icon.
  buttons[i].icon.name String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  buttons[i].icon.extra_class String No 0 or 1 Set an additional CSS class for the icon, for example 270 for it to be rotated 270º clockwise (useful for arrow icons).

Contact--complex ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
contacts ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for each card to be displayed.
 contacts[i].name String Yes 1 Name of the person described.
 contacts[i].position String No 0 or 1 Position of the person described.
 contacts[i].image ⤵ String Yes 1 Config for the person's picture.
  contacts[i].image.url String Yes 1 Location of the person's picture.
  contacts[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the person's picture.
 contacts[i].social ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 Config for the person's profiles in social media.
  contacts[i].social[j].name String Yes 1 or more Name of the media. Has to be one of email, facebook, twitter or linkedin.
  contacts[i].social[j].address String Yes 1 or more Content of the href attribute on the icon's link.
  contacts[i].social[j].label String Yes 1 or more Content of the aria-label attribute on the icon's link. For accessibility purposes.
 contacts[i].phone ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the person's optional phone button.
  contacts[i].phone.number String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute on the icon's link. Should be the number in E.164 format, with a structure like +33000000000 (including the country code, without spaces or extra zeros at the beginning, etc...).
  contacts[i].phone.button_text String No 0 or 1 Text to be displayed in the button..
  contacts[i].phone.label String No 0 or 1 Content of the aria-label attribute on the icon's link. For accessibility purposes.
 contacts[i].description String Yes 1 Description of the person.

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem

  • Lorem-Ipsum Dolor

    Lorem-Ipsum Dolor

    Vitae dicta sunt explicabo

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Contact--provider ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
not_client ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for "not client" tab.
 not_client.title String Yes 1 Title for tab "not client"
 not_client.button_link String Yes 1 Button link in "not client" tab.
 not_client.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 not_client.button_icon String Yes 1 Button icon in "not client" tab.Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 not_client.button_text String Yes 1 Button text in "not client" tab.
client ⤵ Object Yes 1 or more Config for "not client" tab.
 client.title String Yes 1 Title for tab "client"
 client.button_link String Yes 1 Button link in "client" tab.
 client.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 client.button_icon String Yes 1 Button icon in "client" tab.Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 client.button_text String Yes 1 Button text in "client" tab.
Schedule String Yes 1 Schedule for your call-center.
contact_title String Yes 1 Title for contact block.
map_src String Yes 1 Link to map in Google. To do it, go to google maps, search an address, click on 3 lines (settings), then click on share or embed map, click on embed map and copy ONLY URL (starts with https://)
address ⤵ Array of bbjects Yes 1 or more COnfig for the address section.
 address.text Array of bbjects Yes 1 or more Text in address. You can add the ones you need.
show_more_arrow ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the show_more_arrow to be displayed. It is optional.
 intro String Yes 1 Text you can see.
 openButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to open collapse.
 closeButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to close collapse
 collapseContent String Yes 1 Text inside collapse. Raw HTML is allowed.

Le service client Total Direct Energie

Je ne suis pas client.e
09 73 72 73 00Rappel gratuit
Je suis déjà client.e
Rappel gratuit

Adresse postale du siège social de Total Direct Energie

Total Direct Energie

TSA 21519

75901 Paris CEDEX 15

Sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan...

text introEngie

more content inside


Cta ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
aside Boolean Yes 1 If true, the buttons will be pushed to the right half of the component while the text (title and text_before) will stay on the left. Also the text_after (if any) will not be included as it makes no sense in the "aside" case.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
text_before ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or more Config for each paragraph to be displayed before the button.
 text_before[i].paragraph String No 0 or more Content of the paragraph to be displayed before the button. Raw HTML is allowed.
buttons ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for each button to be displayed.
 buttons[j].url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute on the button's link.
 buttons[j].attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener"
 buttons[j].text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed inside the button.
 buttons[j].size String Yes 1 Size of the desired button. Has to be one of xs, sm, md, lg or xl.
 buttons[j].color String Yes 1 Desired color of the button. Has to be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
 buttons[j].classes String No 0 or 1 Extra classes for the button, such as btn--pill btn--outline
 buttons[j].icon_left String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 buttons[j].icon_right String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the right of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.

Nemo enim? Ipsam voluptatem ad

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa. Qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.

Faq ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
structured_data Boolean No 1 Put true, if you want to add Structured data for SEO reasons.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
narrow Boolean No 0 or 1 If true, some extra margin will be added to the sides.
list ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the questions/answers. Add as many as you want.
 list[i].opened String No 0 or 1 Default state for each collapse. Fill it as true only if you want the collapse to be open by default (recommended for the first question). Else, leave empty or remove it.
 list[i].question String Yes 1 Text of each "Frequent Asked Question". Corresponds to collapse's header.
 list[i].answer String Yes 1 Text of each "Frequent Asked Question"'s answer. Corresponds to collapse's content. Raw HTML is allowed.
 list[i].badges ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or more Config to display optional badges (as "tags" of the content).
  list[i].badges[j].text String Yes 1 Text displayed inside the badge.
  list[i].badges[j].url String Yes 1 Url the badge points to.
  list[i].badges[j].url String No 0 or 1 Optional extra attributes to your anchor tag, like target="_blank" rel="noopener".

Finibus Aliqua Quis

Nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

Germentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci a scelerisque purus semper eget duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut?

Llabore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

In Short ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
short ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the links to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
 s.variant String Yes 1 Please select variant from outlined and filled.
 s.color String No 0 or 1 Please select block color from muted, secondary, and success.
 s.block_title String Yes 1 Please add the short block title.
 s.block_title_tag String No 0 or 1 Tag of the title. By default it is h3
 s.block_content String No 0 or 1 Please add the short block description.
 l.title String No 0 or 1 Please add the list title
 l.title String No 0 or 1 Tag of the list title. By default it is h4

InShort Outlined Muted


Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  1. Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  2. Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

InShort Filled Secondary


Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  1. Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  2. Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Text title for unordered list

  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option
  • Iphone 13 disponbile en option

Iframe ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
url String Yes 1 Content of the src attribute of the iframe tag. It's the location of the content you want to embed in your frame.
height String Yes 1 Height (in pixels) of the iframe. Should obviously be a number (integer).

Image--2-cols ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
heading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the column's headings (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading_title String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
cols ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the columns. Add as many as you want.
 cols[1].title String Yes 1 Content of each column's heading.
 cols[1].id No 0 or 1 Optional id to be added to the heading of the column, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
 cols[1].text String No 0 or 1 Content of each column's description. Raw HTML is allowed.
 cols[1].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config of each column's image.
  cols[1].image.url String Yes 1 Location of the image to be displayed.
  cols[1].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.

Section title


Lorem Ipsum

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.


Dolor Sit Amet

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem.

Image--aside ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
text String No 0 or 1 The text displayed at the top of left column. Raw HTML is allowed.
highlighted String No 0 or 1 The highlighted text (in bold) displayed at the bottom of left column. Raw HTML is allowed.
image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the columns. Add as many as you want.
 image.url Array Yes 1 Location of the image to be displayed.
 image.alt Array Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be displayed.
cta ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the cta at the end of the component.
 cta.link String No 0 or 1 Content of the href attribute of the link.
 cta.text String No 0 or 1 Text displayed inside the button.
 cta.attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".
 cta.color String No 0 or 1 Color of the button. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.

Lorem Ipsum

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.


Mini Card ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the links to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
 cards.card_color String No 0 or 1 You can choose between primary, secondary, success, danger, warning
  cards.card_header ⤵ String Yes 1 Config for card_header
  cards.card_header.flag ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the flag. flag-text and flag-icon are optional
   cards.card_header.flag.color String Yes 1 Please choose a card color from the options: primary, secondary, danger, success, and caution.
   cards.card_header.flag.text String No 0 or 1 flat text
   cards.card_header.flag.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cards.card_header.image ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the img.
   cards.card_header.image.url String No 0 or 1 image url
   cards.card_header.image.alt String No 0 or 1 alt of image
  cards.card_header.title String No 0 or 1 Title of the mini-card.
  cards.card_header.data ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 All data it is optional. If you do not fill "price" all data is not going to appear
   cards.card_header.data.price_top String No 0 or 1 Text on top. For example: "A partir de"
   cards.card_header.data.price Number No 0 or 1 Number. If you do no fill it, value_1 and value_2 are not going to appear.
   cards.card_header.data.value_1 String No 0 or 1 Value for the Price. For example: € 99
  cards.card_header.rating String No 0 or 1 If you do not want the rating element, delete rating variable. You can choose rating Textual or Visual
  cards.card_header.rating_upi String No 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about. Required only if you are not on a provider's page, or if you are but you want the reviews of a different provider to be displayed.
To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.
If you add the UPI and the star_rating value, you will see the UPI. Important! You only can add the UPI if you have enabled selectra_reviews_admin or selectra_reviews_client module.
  cards.card_header.rating_value String No 0 or 1 If you do not want to add upi and add your own data, delete upi variable. Here you can put your custom rating, like: 4.5
  cards.card_header.rating_votes String No 0 or 1 Number of votes you want to add. For example: 639
  cards.card_header.rating_link String No 0 or 1 You can add a link here if you want to become a link the votes.
  cards.card_footer ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the button on footer. If you do not fill the "Text" variable, you will not have the footer
   cards.card_footer.link String No 0 or 1 Link of the button
   cards.card_footer.text String No 0 or 1 Text of the button
   cards.card_footer.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
   cards.card_footer.icon_direction String No 0 or 1 You can choose between "left" or "right"
   cards.card_footer.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"

Card header title

2sur 5 738 avis

Card header title

2sur 5 738 avis

Nano Card ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the links to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
 cards.variant String Yes 1 Choose between "unframed", "framed" and "framed pill". By default it is "framed".
 cards.logo ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the logo/img of the nano card
  cards.logo.url String Yes 1 URL of the logo/img
  cards.logo.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the logo/img
 cards.icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example. Only available if you fill unit variable.
 cards.unit Number No 0 or 1 A number. It will appear in black near the grey icon.
 cards.unit_value String No 0 or 1 The value of the Unit. For example: "/$", "/Kwh", "/month"...
 cards.icon_2 String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example. Only available if you fill unit_2 variable.
 cards.unit_2 Number No 0 or 1 A number. It will appear in black near the grey icon.
 cards.unit_value_2 String No 0 or 1 The value of the Unit. For example: "/$", "/Kwh", "/month"...
 cards.icon_3 String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example. Only available if you fill unit_3 variable.
 cards.unit_3 Number No 0 or 1 A number. It will appear in black near the grey icon.
 cards.unit_value_3 String No 0 or 1 The value of the Unit. For example: "/$", "/Kwh", "/month"...
 cards.data ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 All data is optional. If you do not fill "price" all data is not going to appear.
  cards.data.color String No 0 or 1 You can choose the font color between secondary, warning, danger, success and neutral.
  cards.data.price Number No 0 or 1 Number. If you do no fill it, value_1 and value_2 are not going to appear.
  cards.data.value_1 String No 0 or 1 Value for the Price. For example: € 99
  cards.data.value_2 String No 0 or 1 Value 2 for the Price. For example: /month
 cards.button ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config of the optional button.
  cards.button_link String No 0 or 1 Link of the button.
  cards.button_label String No 0 or 1 Text inside the button
  cards.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"

New Ads ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
card ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the links to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
 card.callcenter String No 0 or 1 Add data-callcenter if you want to add opened and closed version. The following data it's going to be for opened version. And at bottom you can find another variable called closed where you can add all data for closed version.
 card.variant String Yes 1 Choose Card variant from logo and colorful
 card.logo String No 0 or 1 Src of logo image. It is better if you add a svg format, but also you can use other extension. You can add the size you want because in code we adapt the size, but the ideal it is to add a logo between 120px - 160px of width
 card.logo_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of logo image
 card.card_color String Yes 1 Please choose a card color from the options: primary, secondary, danger, success, and caution.
 card.card_custom_background String No 0 or 1 If you wish to have a customized background color for only logo provider variant
 card.card_color_variant String No 0 or 1 Select a variant default (normal color) or light.
 card.badge_text String No 0 or 1 Add badge text if the variant is colorful
 card.card_title String No 0 or 1 Add title of the card.
 card.card_description String No 0 or 1 Add description of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
 card.connected_avatar String No 0 or 1 Add src of avatar icon/image.
 card.button_modal_1 String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
 card.button_link_1 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 1 link.
 card.button_color_1 String No 0 or 1 If you want to custom the button color, please add primary, secondary, danger, success, caution. It is going to work only if you don't add a modal ID. If you don't want to custom the button color, delete this variable.
 card.button_text_1 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 1 text.
  card.button_custom_attr_1 String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the first button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 card.flag_icon String No 0 or 1 Select the country flag.
 card.button_modal_2 String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
 card.button_link_2 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 2 link.
 card.button_color_2 String No 0 or 1 If you want to custom the button color, please add primary, secondary, danger, success, caution. It is going to work only if you don't add a modal ID. If you don't want to custom the button color, delete this variable.
 card.button_text_2 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 2 text.
  card.button_custom_attr_2 String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the second button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 card.open_hours String No 0 or 1 If you choose the colorful variant, please provide the open hours.
 card.text_corner ⤵ String No 0 or 1 Add config for text-corner if you want to add it.
  card.text_corner.text String No 0 or 1 Text for text-corner
  card.text_corner.title String No 0 or 1 Text inside the tooltip. Fill it if you want a tooltip only.
  card.text_corner.align String No 0 or 1 Choose between left or right. By default, it's left.
 card.closed ⤵ String No 0 or 1 Add data for closed version. It is available only if you fill card.callcenter variable. Repeat same variables for closed version.
  card.closed.variant String Yes 1 Choose Card variant from logo and colorful
  card.closed.logo String No 0 or 1 Src of logo image. It is better if you add a svg format, but also you can use other extension. You can add the size you want because in code we adapt the size, but the ideal it is to add a logo between 120px - 160px of width
  card.closed.logo_alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of logo image
  card.closed.card_color String Yes 1 Please choose a card color from the options: primary, secondary, danger, success, and caution.
  card.closed.card_custom_background String No 0 or 1 If you wish to have a customized background color for only logo provider variant
  card.closed.card_color_variant String No 0 or 1 Select a variant default (normal color) or light.
  card.closed.badge_text String No 0 or 1 Add badge text if the variant is colorful
  card.closed.card_title String No 0 or 1 Add title of the card.
  card.closed.card_description String No 0 or 1 Add description of the card. Raw HTML is allowed.
  card.closed.connected_avatar String No 0 or 1 Add src of avatar icon/image.
  card.closed.button_modal_1 String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.   card.closed.button_link_1 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 1 link.
  card.closed.button_color_1 String No 0 or 1 If you want to custom the button color, please add primary, secondary, danger, success, caution. It is going to work only if you don't add a modal ID. If you don't want to custom the button color, delete this variable.
  card.closed.button_text_1 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 1 text.
  card.closed.button_custom_attr_1 String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the primary button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  card.closed.flag_icon String No 0 or 1 Select the country flag.
  card.closed.button_modal_2 String No 0 or 1 ID of the modal you want to add instead of a normal link.
  card.closed.button_link_2 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 2 link.
  card.closed.button_color_2 String No 0 or 1 If you want to custom the button color, please add primary, secondary, danger, success, caution. It is going to work only if you don't add a modal ID. If you don't want to custom the button color, delete this variable.
  card.closed.button_text_2 String No 0 or 1 Add Button 2 text.
  card.closed.button_custom_attr_2 String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the second button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
  card.closed.open_hours String No 0 or 1 If you choose the colorful variant, please provide the open hours.
  card.closed.text_corner ⤵ String No 0 or 1 Add config for text-corner if you want to add it.
   card.closed.text_corner.text String No 0 or 1 Text for text-corner
   card.closed.text_corner.title String No 0 or 1 Text inside the tooltip. Fill it if you want a tooltip only.
   card.closed.text_corner.align String No 0 or 1 Choose between left or right. By default, it's left.

Card Colorful Primary Default

card description


Card Colorful Secondary Default

With Text-Corner Right

Announce aligned to right

Card Colorful Success Light

card description


Card Colorful Danger Default OPEN version

With Text-Corner Right

Announce aligned to right

Card Colorful Secondary Default CLOSED version

With Text-Corner Right

Announce aligned to right

Numbers ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
text_before String Yes 1 The text displayed right before the numbers.
text_after String Yes 1 The text displayed right after the numbers.
color String Yes 1 Desired color of the counter + button. Has to be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
numbers ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the numbers to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
 numbers[i].number String Yes 1 Digit to be displayed on each block of the counter. Obviously it has to be a one-digit number.
cta ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the button to be displayed at the right side of the component.
 cta.url String No 1 Content of the href attribute of the button.
 cta.custom_attr String No 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 cta.text String No 1 Text displayed inside the button.
 cta.icon ⤵ Object No 1 Config for the button's icon.
  cta.icon.position String No 1 Set left or right position for the icon.
  cta.icon.name String No 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
  cta.icon.extra_class String No 0 or 1 Set an additional CSS class for the icon, for example 270 for it to be rotated 270º clockwise (useful for arrow icons).
Magnam aliquam
Velit esse

Process ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
icons_color String Yes 1 Color of the icons to be displayed for the steps. Can be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
steps ⤵ Array of objects Yes 2 or more Config for the steps of the component. Add as many as you want.
 steps[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 steps[i].text String Yes 1 Description of the step. Raw HTML is allowed.

Lorem Ipsum


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.


Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur.

Process--horizontal ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
icons_color String Yes 1 Color of the icons to be displayed for the steps. Can be one of primary, secondary, ternary, success, warning, danger or neutral.
steps ⤵ Array of objects Yes 2 or more Config for the steps of the component. We recommend to add not more than 4.
 steps[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
 steps[i].name String No 0 or 1 Name of the step (big highlighted text). Raw HTML is allowed.
 steps[i].text String No 0 or 1 Description of the step (normal text). Raw HTML is allowed.

Lorem Ipsum


Dolor sit

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.


Duis aute urur

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Finibus Bonorum

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


Duis aute urur

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur.

Process--image ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
steps ⤵ Array of objects Yes 2 or more Config for the steps of the component. We recommend to add not more than 4.
 steps[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the image to be displayed.
  steps[i].image.url String Yes 1 Location of the image to be used.
  steps[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to be used.
 steps[i].name String No 0 or 1 Name of the step (big highlighted text). Raw HTML is allowed.
 steps[i].text String No 0 or 1 Description of the step (normal text). Raw HTML is allowed.
  • Lorem
    Lorem Ipsum
    Voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium
  • Lorem
    Demque laudantium
    Totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
  • Lorem
    Sed quia non numquam
    Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor

Providers ⬇ (click to see options)

Variable name Type Required Amount Description
container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
providers ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for images to be displayed on the marquee. Add as many as you want.
 providers[i].agrippa_image_id String Yes 1 Id of the image nº j to be used through agrippa_image(id, marquee) function.
 providers[i].image_url String No 0 or 1 Location of the image. Should be a logo. Needed only if agrippa_image_id is empty.
 providers[i].image_alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image.
button_hover Boolean Yes 1 If true, the button will be displayed on hover over the marquee. Else, it will be statically displayed under the marquee.
see_all ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button.
 see_all.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button's link
 see_all.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
 see_all.text String Yes 1 Text to be displayed inside the button.
 see_all.typeBtn Boolean Yes 1 If true, the link will be displayed as a btn--seconday button. Else it will simply be a link.

Ullam corporis suscipit

Providers List ⬇ (click to see options)


  • This block only can have before hero--provider-list block. Also, a small block like a text-box or action-box. If you add another block, the aside is not going to work.
  • You only can use this block in a wide container (full width) content type.
  • The content after the provider list yaml block has to be inside the body. If you want to add yaml blocks, create a new custom block and add here your yaml blocks. Then, add the token in the body
  • You can add a badge__provider. This badge is designed to add a link to the rates. You can add it in the summary of the provider page, adding this markup: <div> <a class="badge__provider" href="#your-link"> Your text </a> </div>
Variable name Type Required Amount Description
title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
base_url String No 0 or 1 The optional url to get the providers. If you delete it, it will take current url as base url. For example: 'energie/fournisseurs'
global_partners String No 0 or 1 It's optional. By default it's false If you put true all providers your site have, will appear (energy, telecom, finance...)
priority_list Array of objects No 0 or 1 It's optional. You can prioritized providers. They are going to appear first in the providers list. To do it, add the provider ID You can add all prioritized providers you want.
aside_filter ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the aside_filter component.
 aside_filter.title String Yes 1 Title for the aside component. For example: "Filter les fournisseurs"
 aside_filter.title_sm String Yes 1 Text inside the button that appears in tablet and mobiles sizes (the button will open a modal). For example: "Filter"
 aside_filter.apply String Yes 1 Text inside the button in the modal filter. This button applies the filters. For example: "Apply the filters"
 aside_filter.sort_providers ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the content inside the filter elements.
  aside_filter.sort_providers.group_label String Yes 1 Text to identify the filters. For example, if you're showing energy providers, you can write "Energy offered"
  aside_filter.sort_providers.label_for_all String Yes 1 Word to identify "all" filter. The normal use is to put "All" in your language.

Fournisseurs Electricité et Gaz : la liste en 2022

Remove Filters
1236 avis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
  • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
  • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
    En savoir plus
    1236 avis
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
    • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
    • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
    • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
      En savoir plus
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
      • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
      • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
      • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
        En savoir plus

        Direct Energie

        1236 avis
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
        • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
        • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
        • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
          En savoir plus
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
          • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
          • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
          • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
            En savoir plus
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
            • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
            • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
            • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
              En savoir plus
              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
              • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
              • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
              • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
                En savoir plus


                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
                • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
                • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
                • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
                  En savoir plus
                  1236 avis
                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
                  • Ut enim ad minim veniam,
                  • quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
                  • laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
                    En savoir plus

                    Providers Static ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    providers ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for images to be displayed on the marquee. Add as many as you want.
                     providers[i].link String Yes 1 Link to provider page
                     providers[i].alt String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the image.
                     providers[i].src String Yes 1 Suorce of logo.
                     providers[i].link_2 String Yes 1 Link to provider page
                     providers[i].alt_2 String No 0 or 1 Alternative text of the image.
                     providers[i].src_2 String Yes 1 Suorce of logo.
                    btn_more_info ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button more info.
                     btn_more_info.text String Yes 1 Text displayed as link.
                     btn_more_info.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the button's link.
                     btn_more_info.icon String Yes 1 Icon to be displayed inside the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
                     btn_more_info.custom_attributes String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                    show_more_arrow ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the show_more_arrow to be displayed. It is optional.
                     intro String Yes 1 Text you can see.
                     openButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to open collapse.
                     closeButton String Yes 1 Text with arrow to close collapse
                     collapseContent String Yes 1 Text inside collapse. Raw HTML is allowed.

                    Selectra compare 40 fournisseurs d’énergie de manière impartiale

                    Direct EnergieEDF
                    Voir la liste complète des fournisseurs

                    Sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan...

                    text introEngie

                    more content inside


                    Satisfied Customers ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    star_rating ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the global rating.
                    rating Number Yes 1 The number (integer or one-decimal) corresponding to the average rating to be displayed. Note: You have to use a period(.) instead of a comma(,) for floating numbers.
                    evaluations String Yes 1 Text displayed right under the stars. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    dealers ⤵ Array of objects No 0 or 1 Config for the rating entities. Add no more than 3. You can choose between "dealers" and "progress_bar", but can't choose both at the same time.
                     dealers[i].logo_link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the link (on the logo).
                     dealers[i].logo_src String Yes 1 Location of the image to display. Should be the logo of the dealer.
                     dealers[i].logo_custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                     dealers[i].logo_alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image to display.
                     dealers[i].number Number Yes 1 The number (integer or one-decimal) corresponding to the rating to be displayed. Note: You have to use a period(.) instead of a comma(,) for floating numbers.
                     dealers[i].fraction Number No 0 or 1 The number corresponding to the max rating. By default it is 5.
                    progress_bar ⤵ Objects No 0 or 1 Config for the progress bar reviews. You can choose between "dealers" and "progress_bar", but can't choose both at the same time.
                     rating_1 Number Yes 1 Number of ratings for rating 1.
                     rating_2 Number Yes 1 Number of ratings for rating 2.
                     rating_3 Number Yes 1 Number of ratings for rating 3.
                     rating_4 Number Yes 1 Number of ratings for rating 4.
                     rating_5 Number Yes 1 Number of ratings for rating 5.
                    testimonials ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the cusomers' reviews. Add no more than 3.
                     reviews[j].author String No 0 or 1 Name of the customer that left the review. By default it is "Anonymous".
                     reviews[j].rating Number Yes 1 The number (integer or one-decimal) corresponding to the rating from the customer. Note: You have to use a period(.) instead of a comma(,) for floating numbers.
                     reviews[j].show_more ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for "show more" component.
                      reviews[j].show_more.text String Yes 1 Comment left by the customer. If it is longer than 100 characters, it will be cut and hidden unless the user makes the action of opening the whole comment. Raw HTML is allowed.
                      reviews[j].show_more.seeMore String Yes 1 Text corresponding to "show more" or "show whole comment" on comments longer than 100 chars. This variable was added for translation purposes.
                      reviews[j].show_more.seeLess String Yes 1 Text corresponding to "show less" on comments longer than 100 chars. This variable was added for translation purposes.
                    btn_more_info ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the first link at the bottom of the component. This button is optional.
                     btn_more_info.text String Yes 1 Text displayed on the link.
                     btn_more_info.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the link.
                     btn_more_info.custom_attributes String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                    btn_share ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Config for the first link at the bottom of the component. This button is optional.
                     btn_share.text String Yes 1 Text displayed on the link.
                     btn_share.link String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the link.
                     btn_share.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"

                    Ils ont comparé les offres avec Selectra, voici leurs avis

                    Note moyenne basée sur plus de 3000 avis

                    Tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus.

                    See moreClose

                    Tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla.

                    See moreClose

                    Tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus. Etiam tristique egestas mauris eu fringilla. Phasellus ac neque a orci mattis tincidunt eget eget ante. Maecenas placerat sapien quis purus scelerisque sed porta urna vehicula. Sed eros turpis, bibendum non ullamcorper at, euismod in nulla. Morbi eleifend sodales risus. Maecenas eu nisl ut ante dictum scelerisque.

                    See moreClose

                    Satisfied Customers (Dynamic) ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    bg_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    upi String No* 0 or 1 The UPI of the provider you want the reviews to be displayed about. Required only if you are not on a provider's page, or if you are but you want the reviews of a different provider to be displayed.
                    To know it, go to /admin/content/customer_reviews and you will see each provider UPI.

                    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

                    Note moyenne basée sur plus de 3000 avis

                    Tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus.

                    See moreClose

                    Tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla.

                    See moreClose

                    Tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus. Etiam tristique egestas mauris eu fringilla. Phasellus ac neque a orci mattis tincidunt eget eget ante. Maecenas placerat sapien quis purus scelerisque sed porta urna vehicula. Sed eros turpis, bibendum non ullamcorper at, euismod in nulla. Morbi eleifend sodales risus. Maecenas eu nisl ut ante dictum scelerisque.

                    See moreClose

                    Share ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    icons_size String Yes 1 Desired size of the buttons. Has to be one of xs, sm, md, lg or xl.
                    networks ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the icons to be displayed. Add as many as you want but keep in mind that only Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin are supported.
                     networks[i].name String Yes 1 Name of the network. Has to be one of facebook, twitter, linkedin, telegram or whatsapp.
                     networks[i].url String Yes 1 Content of the href attribute of the link. If you want to share a post/article instead of a normal link, check MEP block documentation
                     networks[i].attributes String No 0 or 1 Extra attributes for the link, such as target="_blank" rel="noopener".

                    Small-print ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    text ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the paragraphs to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
                     text[i].paragraph String Yes 1 Text to be displayed in each paragraph. Raw HTML is allowed.

                    (1) Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

                    (2) Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet.

                    (3) Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.

                    Speed Test Internet ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    withAside Boolean Yes 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    btn_start_title String No 1 Text for the button to start the test. Default is "Start" and it's translated.
                    btn_start_subtitle String No 1 Subtext for the button to start the test. Default is "Speed Test" and it's translated.
                    btn_reload_title String No 1 Text for the button to restart the test. Default is "Reload" and it's translated.
                    border Boolean No 1 You can add a border to the component by setting this variable to true . Default is false .
                    download_text String No 1 Text for download. Default is "Download" and it's translated.
                    upload_text String No 1 Text for upload. Default is "Upload" and it's translated.
                    scores String No 1 change to false if you do not want to see video and gaming scores. By default it is true
                    video_streaming_label String No 1 Text for video streaming label. Default is "video streaming" and it's translated.
                    online_gaming_label String No 1 Text for online gaming label. Default is "online gaming" and it's translated.
                    video_chatting_label String No 1 Text for video chattinglabel. Default is "video chatting" and it's translated.
                    translate_scores ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 If you want, you can custom the scores translation.
                     translate_scores.bad String No 0 or 1 Custom translation for "Bad".
                     translate_scores.poor String No 0 or 1 Custom translation for "Poor".
                     translate_scores.average String No 0 or 1 Custom translation for "Average".
                     translate_scores.good String No 0 or 1 Custom translation for "Good".
                     translate_scores.great String No 0 or 1 Custom translation for "Great".
                    loading String No 0 or 1 Custom translation for "Loading". For example: "Searching info ..."
                    results_body String No 0 or 1 When the speed test has finished, the results will be shown. You can custom this text. You can all HTML you want (also MEP elements). Also, you have the results accesible to use in your code. You only have to add there:
                    • <span class="ST-result-download"></span> to see the download speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-upload"></span> to see the upload speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-ping"></span> to see the ping speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-jitter"></span> to see the jitter speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-loss"></span> to see the loss speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-gaming"></span> to see the gaming speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-streaming"></span> to see the streaming speed result.
                    • <span class="ST-result-chatting"></span> to see the chatting speed result.

                    Speed Test Internet title

                    Reload Speed Test
                    Video Streaming: --
                    Online Gaming: --
                    Video Chatting: --
                    Start Speed Test

                    Text--images-alternating ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    intro String No 0 or 1 Optional introduction text (highlighted) for this component. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    hide_images_mobile Boolean No 1 or 0 If true, the images will be hidden on mobile devices.
                    blocks_heading String Yes 1 The HTML tag for the blocks heading (for example h4) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO.
                    blocks ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the blocks to be displayed. Add as many as you want, they will alternate automatically.
                     blocks[i].title String No 0 or 1 Title of each block.
                      blocks[i].paragraphs[j] Array of strings Yes 1 or more Content of each paragraph on the block.
                     blocks[i].image ⤵ Object Yes 1 Configuration for the image of each block.
                      blocks[i].image.url String Yes 1 Location of the image to display. It should be in svg format.
                      blocks[i].image.alt String Yes 1 Alternative text of the image.
                      blocks[i].image.caption String No 0 or 1 Optional caption for the image.

                    Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit

                    Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

                    Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

                    From 65 sells in 2007 to 800K in 2019!

                    Eu auctor Selectra

                    2007: ANTE IPSUM

                    Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

                    Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.


                    Selectra quam henderit

                    Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

                    Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

                    Progression of customers since 2014

                    Eu auctor Selectra

                    2007: ANTE IPSUM

                    Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

                    Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.


                    Selectra quam henderit

                    Duis finibus urna elit, sed ullamcorper lectus auctor eu. Ut sit amet sodales turpis, ac congue odio. Cras felis lacus, bibendum at augue id, rutrum pharetra purus. Morbi est tortor, blandit eu sem sed, suscipit tristique eros.

                    Pellentesque commodo quam hendrerit dignissim blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

                    Text--numbers ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    container Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component will be contained in a wrapper preventing it to take the whole width of the page. Set it as false for all pages that are not full-width (they have an aside).
                    background_pastel Boolean Yes 1 If true, the component's whole section will have a pastel blue background. Use it to distinguish sections only on full-width pages.
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    paragraphs ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the paragraphs to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
                     paragraphs[i].paragraph String Yes 1 Content of each paragraph. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    numbers ⤵ Object Yes 1 Configuration for the numbers on the right side of the block.
                     numbers.number String Yes 1 Big number you want to highlight. Should obviously be a number.
                     numbers.unit String Yes 1 Unit of the number. Has to be very short.
                     numbers.text String Yes 1 Big text right under the number.
                     numbers.disclaim String Yes 1 Small text at the bottom.

                    Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit

                    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

                    Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet. Ut enim ad.

                    Nisi ut aliquid ex (ea commodi consequatur).

                    999Munde omnis istenatus error sit voluptatem accusantium

                    Timeline ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    withAside Boolean No 1 Put true, if in your page has an aside block.
                    title String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block.
                    heading String No 0 or 1 The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is h2.
                    heading_id String No 0 or 1 The optional id to be added to the heading of the block, for it to be targetable by anchors or auto-summary.
                    items ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the paragraphs to be displayed. Add as many as you want.
                     items[i].icon String Yes 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be displayed on the left of the button. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
                     items[i].title String No 0 or 1 Title of each item.
                     items[i].title_heading String No 0 or 1 Heading of title of each item. The HTML tag for the heading (for example h3) to be chosen depending on your purposes regarding SEO. Required only if title is not empty. Default is p.
                     items[i].badge_title String No 0 or 1 Content of the badge.
                     items[i].description String Yes 1 Content of each item. Raw HTML is allowed.

                    Timeline Block

                    Title Step 1

                    Badge Title
                    Una mattina mi sono alzato O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao Una mattina mi sono alzato E ho trovato l'invasor

                    Title Step 2

                    Badge Title
                    O partigiano, portami via O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao O partigiano, portami via Che mi sento di morir

                    Title Step 3

                    Badge Title
                    E se io muoio da partigiano O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao E se io muoio da partigiano Tu mi devi seppellir

                    Title Step 4

                    Badge Title
                    E seppellire lassù in montagna O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao E seppellire lassù in montagna Sotto l'ombra di un bel fior Que va

                    Top Offer Box ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    variant String Yes 1 This is the top-offer-box type. You can choose between framed(by default) accent, accent-secondary, accent-danger, accent-success, accent-caution, squares, circles and unframed but "unframed" only works in ASIDE region. For "squares" and "circles" you can select then the color you want.
                    color String Yes 1 If you choose "variant" squares or circles you can choose between colors:primary (default), secondary, danger, warning, success
                    title String Yes 1 Description is optional.
                    description String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    nano_cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the nano-cards inside top-offer-box element. Usually, you have to use 3 nano-cards
                     nano_cards[i].bg Boolean No 0 or 1 Only available if your top-offer-box variant is accent or accent-secondary you can put true or false. If you put true your nano-card will have a white background and a border with box-shadow.
                     nano_cards[i].bg_rounded Boolean No 0 or 1 If variant is SQUARES, CIRCLES or ACCENT with bg: true, you can select bg_rounded "true" or "false" and you will have your nano card with background white and borders rounded (if you added true).
                     nano_cards[i].img_src String No 0 or 1 Is optional. If you do not fill it, img will not appear.
                     nano_cards[i].img_alt String No 0 or 1 Is optional. Only available if you fill img_src variable.
                     nano_cards[i].btn_href String No 0 or 1 Is optional. If you do not fill it, Button will not appear.
                     nano_cards[i].btn_color String No 0 or 1 If you fill btn_href variable, you can choose color btn between: primary (default), secondary, warning, danger and success.
                     nano_cards[i].btn_text String No 0 or 1 Only available if you fill btn_href variable
                     nano_cards[i].btn_extra_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the first button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                     nano_cards[i].icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
                     nano_cards[i].text_icon String No 0 or 1 Text near icon. It is optional.
                     nano_cards[i].text_icon_unit String No 0 or 1 Text unit near text_icon nd icon. It is optional.
                     nano_cards[i].text_green String No 0 or 1 Big number in green.
                     nano_cards[i].text_green_up String No 0 or 1 Small text near text_green. Usually the unit value, like 95€
                     nano_cards[i].text_green_down String No 0 or 1 Small text near text_green and text_green_up. Usually the time value, like /month
                    callcenter String No 0 or 1 If you want a different block for OPENED version and for CLOSED, fill this variable with the name of your data-callcenter. Then you have to add data for your CLOSED Block.
                    closed_block ⤵ Object No 0 or 1 Data for your CLOSED Block.
                     closed_block.variant String Yes 1 This is the top-offer-box type. You can choose between framed(by default) accent, accent-secondary, accent-danger, accent-success, accent-caution, squares, circles and unframed but "unframed" only works in ASIDE region. For "squares" and "circles" you can select then the color you want.
                     closed_block.color String Yes 1 If you choose "variant" squares or circles you can choose between colors:primary (default), secondary, danger, warning, success
                     closed_block.title String Yes 1 Description is optional.
                     closed_block.description String No 0 or 1 The content for the heading of this block. Raw HTML is allowed.
                     closed_block.nano_cards ⤵ Array of objects Yes 1 or more Config for the nano-cards inside top-offer-box element. Usually, you have to use 3 nano-cards
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].bg Boolean No 0 or 1 Only available if your top-offer-box variant is accent or accent-secondary you can put true or false. If you put true your nano-card will have a white background and a border with box-shadow.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].bg_rounded Boolean No 0 or 1 If variant is SQUARES, CIRCLES or ACCENT with bg: true, you can select bg_rounded "true" or "false" and you will have your nano card with background white and borders rounded (if you added true).
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].img_src String No 0 or 1 Is optional. If you do not fill it, img will not appear.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].img_alt String No 0 or 1 Is optional. Only available if you fill img_src variable.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].btn_href String No 0 or 1 Is optional. If you do not fill it, Button will not appear.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].btn_color String No 0 or 1 If you fill btn_href variable, you can choose color btn between: primary (default), secondary, warning, danger and success.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].btn_text String No 0 or 1 Only available if you fill btn_href variable
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].btn_extra_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes for the first button if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].icon String No 0 or 1 Id of the icon (from the sprite) to be used. You also can add flags adding flag name ( flag-es ) for example.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].text_icon String No 0 or 1 Text near icon. It is optional.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].text_icon_unit String No 0 or 1 Text unit near text_icon nd icon. It is optional.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].text_green String No 0 or 1 Big number in green.
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].text_green_up String No 0 or 1 Small text near text_green. Usually the unit value, like 95€
                      closed_block.nano_cards[i].text_green_down String No 0 or 1 Small text near text_green and text_green_up. Usually the time value, like /month

                    Framed (normal and basic)

                    Profitez des meilleures offres du moment.

                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt

                    Accent Primary (default) and framed nano cards

                    Profitez des meilleures offres du moment.

                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt

                    Squares Secondary

                    Profitez des meilleures offres du moment.

                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt

                    Circles Success

                    Profitez des meilleures offres du moment.

                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt
                    Logo alt

                    Versus--card-prod ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    header ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the header
                     header.text_top String No 0 or 1 Text in the header at top.
                     header.big_number String Yes 1 Text bigger in the header.
                     header.text_bottom String No 0 or 1 Text in the header at bottom.
                    card_title String Yes 1 The card title.
                    list ⤵ Array Yes 1 Config for the list.
                     list.text String Yes 1 Content of the item in the list. Raw HTML is allowed.
                     list.green Boolean Yes 1 If it is true the item text will be in green. If you put false it will be in grey.
                    button ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the button.
                     button.link String Yes 1 Link of the button.
                     button.text String Yes 1 Text of the button.
                     button.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                    Logo provider
                    Header Top text-5%Header Bottom text
                    Title card
                    • item in list
                    • item in list
                    • item in list

                    Versus--comments ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    sort String Yes 1 You can choose between best, most_useful, worst or all to select your comment to show.
                    Logo provider

                    Je tiens particulièrement à remercier votre conseillère que j'ai eu ce matin concernant ma situation de déménagement : un très bon relationnel avec une voix très agréable, elle a répondu à mes questions et l'entretien a été très clair et s'est très bien déroulé...Bravo!

                    See moreSee less

                    Versus--contact ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    btn ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for the list.
                     btn.color String Yes 1 Select the button color. You can choose between primary, secondary or ternary.
                     btn.outline Boolean Yes 1 Put true if you want your button outlined. If not, change to false
                     btn.pill Boolean Yes 1 Put true if you want your button like a pill. If not, change to false
                     btn.text String Yes 1 Text inside the button.
                     btn.link String Yes 1 Link added in the button.
                     btn.custom_attr String No 0 or 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"

                    Versus--list-icons ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    list_icons ⤵ Array Yes 1 Config for the list.
                     list_icons.icon String Yes 1 Title for the list.
                     list_icons.text Array Yes 1 Config for the items in the list. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    Logo provider

                    Lorem ipsum

                    Lorem ipsum

                    Versus--list ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    section ⤵ Array Yes 1 Config for the list.
                     section.title String Yes 1 Title for the list.
                     section.list Array Yes 1 Config for the items in the list.
                      section.list.link String No 0 or 1 Link to the item. It is optional. If you don't fill it, the text will be a span
                      section.list.text String Yes 1 Text for the item in list. If you add the link it will be a link. If not, it will be a span
                    Logo provider



                    Versus--prices ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                     rating.baseline String Yes 1 Text at the right of the stars. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    row ⤵ Array Yes 1 Config for each row of the section.
                     row.title String Yes 1 Row title. Raw HTML is allowed.
                     row.data_actual String Yes 1 Data for the actual provider. If you are writting the config for the provider 1, you have to add here the data for provider 1.
                     row.data_oppsite String Yes 1 Data for the opposite provider. If you are writting the config for the provider 1, you have to add here the data for provider 2.
                     row.suffix String Yes 1 Suffix for data for actual provider. For example €/kWh
                    btn_more_info_actual ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for button more info of the actual provider. If you are writting the config for the provider 1, you have to add here the data for provider 1.
                     btn_more_info_actual.link String Yes 1 Link for the button more info actual provider.
                     btn_more_info_actual.text String Yes 1 Text for the button more info actual provider.
                     btn_more_info_actual.custom_attr String Yes 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                    btn_more_info_opposite ⤵ Object Yes 1 Config for button more info of the actual provider. If you are writting the config for the provider 1, you have to add here the data for provider 2.
                     btn_more_info_opposite.link String Yes 1 Link for the button more info actual provider.
                     btn_more_info_opposite.text String Yes 1 Text for the button more info actual provider.
                     btn_more_info_opposite.custom_attr String Yes 1 Custom attributes if you want. Like target="_blank" rel="nofollow"
                    footer_text_actual String No 0 or 1 Content for the footer of actual provider. If you are writting the config for the provider 1, you have to add here the data for provider 1. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    footer_text_mobile String No 0 or 1 Content for the footer only for mobile. This footer is shared by both providers. Raw HTML is allowed.

                    Title 1

                    Provider 1 dataProvider 2 data

                    Title 2

                    Provider 1 dataProvider 2 data

                    Title 3

                    Provider 1 dataProvider 2 data

                    Versus--pros-cons ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    list_type String Yes 1 You can choose between check or cross
                    list ⤵ Array Yes 1 If you have added a custom background img, here you can add the alternative img.
                     list.text String Yes 1 Text inside the list. Raw HTML is allowed.
                    Logo provider
                    • Lorem ipsum
                    • Lorem ipsum
                    • Lorem ipsum
                    • Lorem ipsum

                    Versus--reviews ⬇ (click to see options)

                    Variable name Type Required Amount Description
                    - - - - No variables needed
                    Logo provider
                    Average rating based on over 3987 votes